What if I told you that when pivoting your business- anything is possible?  Well, folks- It’s true.  

If you have the drive.

My guest today, Dr. Angela Tran, transitioned her successful brick and mortar business online in 3 days.

You read that right. Three days.  

Is it possible?  Yes. Is it easy?  It might be easier than you think.

It takes drive, willpower, and a great team.

Are you still with me?  Good. Grab a pen and paper and listen in.  Angela and I talk about pivoting her business and making the best out of the current situation.

Did I mention that her company is all about medical weight loss?  She also gives some tips for staying at home and not packing on the pounds!  

If you are looking at some insight for how to pivot without losing sight of what is important to you or your customers, this is the show for you!

If you are listening- let us know!  Screenshot this episode and tag Angela and I on IG!.

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Let's face it, the online world is full of straight-up crap. The "gurus" would love for you to believe that it takes no work at all to have your business running on autopilot, making you millions, overnight. The truth of the matter is, the most successful people in every industry understand the importance of hard work over time. This group is for those ready to have the conversations no one else is having so that the nonsense is drowned out by the truth!  Click here to join us today!

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Read Angela’s book!

Fat Girl Funeral

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