I know that during these crazy times you’re looking for all the solutions to keep your business on top of its game - so I’m committed to bringing guests on this show that will help you do just that.

My guest today, Marty Park, has some tools that will help you get there and stay there.

His story is inspiring.  He started a software company at the age of 21 and since then, he has owned and operated 14 companies- everything from restaurants to audio production.  

He is now an award-winning business coach who helps business owners find their groove and overcome any obstacles in their path.

You’re definitely going to want to take notes today - but honestly- just put this episode on repeat so that you can pick up all the tips and takeaways he just casually throws out there.

Here are some things we talked about today:

Having reasonable expectations about training time

Better and faster is not always the best solution when handling a difficult time as an entrepreneur

Panic can kill your business- slow down and communicate with your customers

Business is people- keep your emphasis on that fact

…I could have actually used about a hundred of those bullet points.  Seriously.

Throughout this podcast- Marty constantly spoke about people.  His team, his clients, his coach, and his family- people are the most vital part of running a business.  Not a product. People.  

If you are looking for some insight and how to navigate this crazy time - listen to this.  He has super simple yet effective tips that will start changing your business today.

If you are listening- let us know!  Screenshot this episode and tag Marty and I on IG.

Then, if you've got a minute - would you mind leaving Firebrand Radio a review on iTunes?  It helps us get this show in front of more people - and that means more amazing content and takeaways for you!

Let's face it, the online world is full of straight-up crap. The "gurus" would love for you to believe that it takes no work at all to have your business running on autopilot, making you millions, overnight. The truth of the matter is, the most successful people in every industry understand the importance of hard work over time. This group is for those ready to have the conversations no one else is having so that the nonsense is drowned out by the truth!  Click here to join us today!

Where to find Marty

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Get Marty’s book here:

Tiger by the Tail

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