Chances are, if you're listening to this podcast or reading this blog, you own a business. If you haven't yet gotten to six figures or are on the brink of 7, you're wondering what to do to get there.

Well, I have the answer. 


That's right.  It's the biggest differentiator between successful 7+8 figure business owners and those that are looking to get there.

So, what exactly does that mean? 

On today's episode, I'm going to tell you how successful 7+8 figure business owners disrupt their market and continually have massive success.

We'll also go over all the other things that make them successful - giving you a good idea of where to go next in your business! 

Things like:

Being on top of current trends and knowing what's coming

Not being afraid to take risks

Investing in what matters

Knowing what their competitors are up to and where to find the gap in the market

And a lot more!

So, grab a pen and paper and get ready to make those big leaps in your business!

If you're on IG, I'd love for you to screenshot this episode, tag me in this episode and let me know your plans to disrupt your industry! 

Not on IG?  I get that.  Come join the Firebrand Communication Strategies Facebook group! 

Let's face it, the online world is full of straight-up crap. The "gurus" would love for you to believe that it takes no work at all to have your business running on autopilot, making you millions, overnight. The truth of the matter is, the most successful people in every industry understand the importance of hard work over time. This group is for those ready to have the conversations no one else is having so that the nonsense is drowned out by the truth!  Click here to join us today!

Lastly, if you are loving this podcast, would you mind showing me some love on iTunes?  I know I'm always talking about iTunes reviews but seriously - they matter!  They help me bring you the very best episodes and guests to keep your business moving in the right direction!

Mentioned on this podcast:

Excellence Wins:  A No-Nonsense Guide to Becoming the Best in a World of Compromise by Horst Schulze

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