Are you using Facebook ads to grow your business?  SHOULD you be using Facebook ads?

I hear these questions every day - and my guest, Michelle Fernandez - a Facebook ads pro and my good friend - does too.

Today Michelle is going to be talking all things Facebook ads.

The different types

When you should run them

Who should run them

But most importantly, she's going to be talking about WHY you should be running them.  Michelle works with some of the top online business owners and she knows what it takes to run a super successful Facebook ad campaign.

But before you jump on board and go all-in with ads, Michelle and I are going to talk about a key point that sooooo many business owners forget. 

Yes, Facebook ads can bring you leads.  BUT, they aren't going to sell your product or service.  That's ultimately up to you, my friend.  And that takes serious work.

So grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn about all things Facebook ads!  

While you're listening, be sure to screenshot this episode and tag Michelle and I on IG to let us know that you're listening and if you plan on running ads yourself.

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