
You put it out there every day.  Emails, social media posts, ads, blogs, all the things.

But, when was the last time you actually THOUGHT about the content you were putting out there and had an intentional, strategic plan?

If you are running on the hamster wheel of content creation, but hearing crickets then you are in the right place.

Today it's just you and me and here's a few things we're going to chat about:

Know the needs of your ideal client?

Inspiration vs. value

Specialized content

Where is your content going?

Consistency is key

So grab and pen and paper and get to planning your content that converts!

So, now that you’ve got the tips, I want to know how you’re going to put them into action!  Hit me up on IG and tell me how you’re speaking to your ideal clients.

Not on IG?  That’s cool.  Come join my FREE Facebook group, Basic Girl Podcast Insiders and join the conversation!  Come share your content plans and your wins and see what everyone else is up to!

Did you read all the way through and think, this sounds awesome, Danielle but … can’t you and your team just do this for me?  If that’s you, click here to book a call with me and let’s talk about what you need.

Did you know that leaving me a review on iTunes is like a little podcast hug? I'll love you forever if you're digging this podcast and want to show me some love! Then I can keep bringing you all of the amazing content and guests that you want to hear from to add to your entrepreneurial toolbox!