It's Q4, homie.

And if you're planning a launch for the beginning of 2020, it's time to get started planning your content!

I'll be honest with you … I never really liked planning content.  It's the enneagram 7 in me! But, it seemed like everyone was planning theirs - so I downloaded all the planning apps and free programs. 

Then I planned everything out.

Then I went back and erased everything and changed it - again and again.

It was suuuper frustrating. 

But I knew if I was going to launch courses and programs, I needed to get with it.

So, I devised a process that works for me. 

So, if you're like me and don't like the idea of planning your content but know you need to do it because you've got a launch coming up - this episode is for you.  And if you have evergreen programs or services, you can definitely use this info to plan your content year-round.

It's just me and you today, homie so go grab and pen and paper and let's get start getting your plan together for your launch!

While you're listening, be sure to tag me on IG and let me know how you're planning out your content!

Ready to talk about everything you learned today?  Come join us inside my free Facebook group, The Basic Girl Podcast Insiders and get ready for more free tips, trainings, and more!

Did you know that leaving a review is like a tiny little podcast hug?  I'll love you forever if you go leave me a  leave a review on iTunes!  It helps me to keep bringing you all of this goodness every week!  

Looking for someone to help you with your content?  Book a call with me today and let's get you set up for 2020