Every day homie.


Every day someone releases a new podcast, guide, course, class, webinar, program - SOMETHING that leaves me wondering - do I need this? 


It's taken me a while to ditch shiny-object syndrome and nail down what's actually a necessity for me to grow my business.


So, it's just me and you again today and we're talking investments in your business.


You know you have to invest to scale and make bank. 


But invest in what? 


How many podcasts should I be listening to?


Do I need another class?


I'm going to tell you what I am investing in and doing to grow my business and I'm hoping that you're gonna get some good takeaways on what you can do to resist buying that next course you probably don't need right now.


After you listen, you've gotta let me in on your plan and what you invest in to grow your business!  Screenshot this episode and tag me on IG and let me know!


Loved this episode?  Yay!  I'll love YOU forever and ever if you hop over to the reviews section on iTunes and leave me a review!  Seriously though - it makes SUCH a difference and lets me keep bringing you amazing guests that will help you grow your business!


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