Hey peeps!  On today we're talking all things legal for your business.

I know, I know.  It sounds boring.

But … listen up homie.  Because you don't want to be THAT person.

You know… the person that the bad thing happens to.  The one that everyone whispers about and says "oooh that's gotta suck for her"

Nope.  Not you.  You've got your eye on the prize and you're ready to crush your goals - so why not set yourself up for success in EVERY way? 

Yep - including the legal way. 

Rachel Brenke is here and she's a super-entrepreneur, lawyer and business consultant. 

And since she started out as an entrepreneur, she gets it.  She knows what we're up against, and exactly what we need to do to get our businesses legal.

She's talking about all the things today, including:

LLC's Corporations Contracts What's wrong with how you're doing it

Plus, as always, Rachel is talking about the amazing journey she's been on and how she got to be the superwoman that she is today.

You're going to want to take notes today homie.  So grab your pen and paper and you know the drill… screenshot this episode and tag me on IG!

Then come on over to my Facebook group, The Well-Positioned CEO and let us know what you're going to get yourself legal.  Or if you already are -  share the deets!

And of course - it would be super amazing if you left the show a review on iTunes!  Then I can keep bringing you all of the awesome guests and set your business up for success!

You can find Rachel on

Her website l LinkedIn l Facebook l Instagram l Twitter

Download Rachel's free legal checklist here

Books mentioned on the podcast:

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

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