If you've been an entrepreneur for a while, you know that it's super easy to hit those stages where you're just - not feeling it.

You're lacking inspiration and motivation.  It happens to all of us - so you're definitely not alone.

On today's episode, I'm going to talk about 3 ways to get yourself out of this stage - and it will also help you from landing there as often.

We're going to talk about:

Shifting your mindset and why you have to come to terms with the fact that this isn't always going to be fun and easy.

Having a long term vision - and I don't mean financial.  Financial goals are great, but once you hit them, then what?  You need long-term goals that keep you motivated.

The importance of taking a break - this one is self-explanatory but it's something that most entrepreneurs deprive themselves of all the time.

You also need to make sure you're taking time to celebrate your successes no matter how small and surrounding yourself with people that inspire and motivate you - it makes a HUGE difference!

Screenshot this episode and tag me on IG - I'd love to hear what you do to keep yourself inspired!

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Let's face it, the online world is full of straight-up crap. The "gurus" would love for you to believe that it takes no work at all to have your business running on autopilot, making you millions, overnight. The truth of the matter is, the most successful people in every industry understand the importance of hard work over time. This group is for those ready to have the conversations no one else is having so that the nonsense is drowned out by the truth!  Click here to join us today!

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Mentioned on this podcast:

Kelly Roach | Powersheets