Where has all the time gone?


Sorry for the lack of updates in the last several months. We have been quite busy in ministry things down here in Peru, and with getting ready for the book launch, then we went to Canada to visit family over Christmas. On top of that moved into a new an unfinished apartment only 9 days before our flight!

Today's episode is from my time sharing a message at River Run Fellowship in Peterborough, Ontario this past Sunday before we returned to Peru.

I shared about some themes long-time listeners of the podcast are familiar with in terms of discipleship and only having one shot at this life.

Will you stand before Him on that day wishing you had done more with your time and your talents, or will you hang your head in shame wishing you had done more?

Enjoy today's message about how time stops for no one, therefore it's up to us to decide how we're going to spend it in light of eternity.

Blessings and fire on your head,
