With so many new gurus and smoke and mirrors cropping up every year, it's comforting to be able to rest on the simple, timeless foundations of the Christian faith!

Hear Matt share on seeing all as Finished, living in Heaven on earth, in childlike innocence, NOT being jaded, not eating from the tree of self-righteous judgmentalism, but eating richly of the Tree of Life so as to live in Simple Love-Drunk Life Forever together in the Trinity.

w/ Matt Spinks January 1, 2022 3pm

New Year's Glory Drink | Fort Wayne, IN USA

All four messages from the New Year's 2022 event can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z22QJVRUeIlhklnZ0hnbpYDIM0qntCBv?usp=sharing

Want to go deeper in this kind of revelation?

Check out our Glory Foundations Class at: www.gloryfoundationsclass.com

Order Matt's book 'High On God' at our website: www.thefirehouseprojects.com

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