The Fire House Chronicles w/ Matt and Katie Spinks

Are all INCLUDED in God’s love? Is EVERYBODY SAVED?
What about scriptures that say that you must believe or you are going to hell?

In this episode we cover:
Matt. 7:13- 15 - Wide and narrow gate...
Romans 10:9-10 - If you confess, THEN you are saved?
Acts 2:40 - Save yourselves?
John 8:44, 1 John 3:10 - Children of the devil… BUT Ephesians 2:3???
Matthew 25 - Sheep & the goats...
Matt. 13:24-30 - Wheat and tares...
John 3:36 - The wrath of God is upon them...
Mark 9:43-48 - Where the worm dieth not...

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