In the PESO Model series, Gini Dietrich takes a deep dive into earned media and how it integrates with owned media to boost your search engine optimization and build credibility and expertise.
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The post The Role of Earned Media In a PESO Model Program appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

All praise the highly coveted link to your website! 

In the PESO Model process, where earned and owned media overlap, search engine optimization reigns supreme. Though SEO seems scary to a marketer or communicator who is not trained in the intricate details of the specialty, we are not going to focus on anything technical. Rather, the process focuses on doing what you do best while implementing some search engine optimization at the same time.

Once you get the hang of it, it’s fun and measurable and you will fall in love. With the process. Not with me. I mean, unless you want to fall in love with me. And, on that ridiculous note, let’s dig into earned media in the PESO Model process.

If you missed the high-level look at the model and the owned media deep dive, go do some reading (or listening). 

Today we’re going to look at earned media, how it differs from the media relations you’re accustomed to doing, and how it integrates with owned media to boost your search engine optimization and build credibility and expertise.

With the foundation of your owned media program, you’ve begun to create the content in your plan. If you haven’t started that process yet, now is the time. 

Because, as we begin to build the earned media foundation, it’s important to have content on your website and/or blog to link to from all the stories you’re going to get placed. If you don’t have content published and sitting on your site, the earned media process in a PESO Model program won’t be effective.

So get going on your content. It’s the most important piece of this process.

And then you can move on to the earned media section, which is the topic of today’s podcast episode.

If you want to learn how to implement this for your clients or for the organization for which you work—and become certified, which tells everyone you know what you’re doing and have done the deep work to put theory into practice–visit us in the Spin Sucks Academy.

And, if you have questions or need help, you can find us in the comments below or in the (free) Spin Sucks Community.

The post The Role of Earned Media In a PESO Model Program appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.