What changes in a company when women enter top-level positions? Gini Dietrich dives into this question on this week’s episode of Spin Sucks. 

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The post Spin Sucks 203: Women Change Everything appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Girls rule. Boys drool. That was a refrain we used in elementary school and, as it turns out, it’s still used (which always makes me laugh). While I love men, I mean LOVE, there is something to be said for women in the workforce. 

Survey after survey shows that when women step into executive roles it’s associated with an increase in profitability. One study even found that increase could be as much as 15%. Fifteen percent, y’all!

What are women doing that is so different than men? Is it a different type of emotional intelligence or nurturing or is it that we’re just superior human beings?

I’m joking! Maybe. 

Based on my experience, I see lots and lots of differences, but I’m not a researcher nor are my observations based on data.

Thank heaven for Corinne Post, a Villanova University professor of management. She has researched what changes in a company when women enter top-level positions.

This is what we’re going to talk about on this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast. What women at the top are doing that’s so different—and what we can all learn from them. Stay tuned!

Resources Included:

What Happens to Top Management Teams When Women Are Appointed to Them
Females Leadership Under Times of Crisis
Crisis Management Plan
How To Be A Stellar Leader When You’re Exhausted
Women on Boards and Firm Financial Performance
Women on Boards of Directors and Corporate Social Performance
The Influence of Female Directors on Product Recall Decisions
Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Does Gender Matter
Are Women Better Leaders Than Men?
Emotions in Strategic Organization
Bridging Faultlines by Valuing Diversity
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 203: Women Change Everything appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.