We may hope that life will be getting back to normal once we're all vaccinated, but a recent report by the Content Marketing Institute is saying that consumer digital behavior has jumped ahead by five years. There's no going back, and that has huge implications for content marketers in B2C and B2B businesses. Gini Dietrich has the details and how to get ahead of these rapidly changing trends on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast.
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The Content Marketing Institute recently released its B2C content marketing research and the gig is up. We’re not waking up to our old normal this summer or fall—after most of us presumably have had the vaccine.

According to the report, the pandemic simply accelerated the fundamental changes already underway. By some estimates, consumer digital behavior jumped ahead five years in just eight weeks. The events of 2020 hit the warp-speed button on the disruption scale.

For B2C marketers, the imperative to develop direct, digital relationships with customers has become a whole heck of a lot more important.

We’re going to dig more into the findings and what it means for you if you’re into content marketing this year. And, even if you don’t do consumer work, we’ll all know B2B is just a few months behind. This will give you a head start.

Resources Included

B2C Content Marketing Research
Consumer Digital Behavior Jumped Ahead Five Years
Association of National Advertisers March 2020 Survey
Association of National Advertisers 2018 Survey (as a comparison)
B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2021
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 134: The Time for Direct Digital Relationships is Now appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.