This month on the Spin Sucks Podcast, while we're getting ready for another school year in a pandemic, you're going to be getting cross-posts of some of my favorite episodes from the Agency Leadership podcast that I co-host with Chip Griffin. This week, we have a a recent episode about generating new business! Enjoy!
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The post Spin Sucks 112: Generating New Business During a Global Crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Ah, the dog days of summer. Here in Chicago, we had one of the hottest months on record and, while most of the country is still baking in August, we’re back to our normal glorious temperatures of low- to mid-70s. That’s 20 or so degrees for those of you in celsius speak.

This also means the frozen tundra is closing in on us so I am going to spend the month enjoying every last bit of this weather. Well, that and figure out what the heck we’re going to do about school this fall because I do know one thing for certain: I retired from teaching on June 6. I am not about to go back in and teach second grade for an entire year. I barely made it the three months I was a first grade teacher.

While I enjoy the last of summer with my small child and figure out this school thing, you are going to get to enjoy some cross-promotion of my podcast with Chip Griffin, the Agency Leadership podcast.

No Time Better Than the Present for New Business

There’s no need to sugarcoat it: these are challenging times. But agencies can, and should, continue to engage in business development.

It requires a delicate balance. We address how to thread the needle appropriately to make sure you are meeting the needs of prospects without unnecessarily alienating those who may be less receptive to your message right now.

In this first episode, we talk about how to generate new business during a global crisis, a down economy, or when your business needs an extra boost.


The post Spin Sucks 112: Generating New Business During a Global Crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.