We’re back after a brief hiatus and are ecstatic to be joined by author, internal communications leader, and our "welcome rebel” Mike Klein.

Principal of Changing the Terms and Senior Strategic Advisor for Sparrow Connected, Mike has made it his personal mission to challenge the status quo and advance the effectiveness of internal communications. His recently published e-book, “Employee Engagement or BUSINESS IMPACT? It's Time To Choose,” takes on the current state of employee engagement and identifies six levers to engage better performance.
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The post Episode #62: Mike Klein: Challenging Our Traditional Approach to Employee Engagement appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

We’re back after a brief hiatus and are ecstatic to be joined by author, internal communications leader, and our “welcome rebel” Mike Klein.

Principal of Changing the Terms and Senior Strategic Advisor for Sparrow Connected, Mike has made it his personal mission to challenge the status quo and advance the effectiveness of internal communications. His recently published e-book, “Employee Engagement or BUSINESS IMPACT? It’s Time To Choose,” takes on the current state of employee engagement and identifies six levers to engage better performance:

Clarity (so people know what they are supposed to do and why)
Prioritization (so people align on what’s most important, first)
Asking the right questions
Making sure people have access to the tools they need
Reducing friction and noise
Minimizing the gap between what org says and what it actually does

In our conversation, Mike delves into ways internal communicators can help drive performance and discusses how he views company culture. “A company’s culture is the extent to which its stated values and purpose vary from its actual values and purpose,” Mike told us. “And the amount of pressure people are put under to maintain that gap.”

For more from Mike:

Follow #WeLeadComms, Mike’s initiative to identify, recognize and connect communication leaders through social media profiles and online open conferences
Download the ebook
Follow Mike on LinkedIn or visit his business website, Changing the Terms

The post Episode #62: Mike Klein: Challenging Our Traditional Approach to Employee Engagement appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.