Welcome Victoria Dew, SCMP, Founder and CEO of Dewpoint Communications back to this month’s EE Voice podcast. Victoria joined Sharon and me to discuss Dewpoint’s insights report, “The New Rules of Employee Experience & Communications in 2022.” 

In speaking to dozens of business leaders, Victoria and her team captured and analyzed emerging trends – the themes and trends that will impact the way we work moving forward. 

For more insights from Victoria, connect with her on LinkedIn
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The post Episode #60: Victoria Dew on the new rules of employee experience appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Welcome Victoria Dew, SCMP, Founder and CEO of Dewpoint Communications back to this month’s EE Voice podcast. Victoria joined Sharon and me to discuss Dewpoint’s insights report, “The New Rules of Employee Experience & Communications in 2022.” 

In speaking to dozens of business leaders, Victoria and her team captured and analyzed emerging trends – the themes and trends that will impact the way we work moving forward. 

Some of her key findings included:

The connection between employee experience and commercial success 
Managers’ critical role in communicating with and engaging employees
The importance of a systemic way of listening to employees

In her conversations, Victoria discovered that the importance of listening was chief among leaders’ priorities. “The role of managers listening is a huge theme in this report,” she said. “It came through again and again – we, as communications professionals, understand two-way, symmetrical communication, but what is sometimes a surprise to organizations is that listening is part of communication as much as talking. So, listening is the new talking and action is the new listening.” 

To that end, Victoria also points to the growing importance of striking a balance between increased focus on employee engagement and respecting employee activism. “When I talk about employee journey and personas, one of the behaviors we’re looking for here is that an employee’s experience is strong enough, positive enough,  that they will advocate externally,” she said. “That’s why we want to work with employees pre- and post-employment.” 

For more insights from Victoria, connect with her on LinkedIn. You can download the full report here


The post Episode #60: Victoria Dew on the new rules of employee experience appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.