We’re celebrating a big milestone on the Spin Sucks podcast! For our 200th episode, Gini Dietrich has invited a very special guest.
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The post A Conversation with Mini-Me. Happy 200th Episode! appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Well, after 26 months of being vigilant—and almost a little crazy—my entire family tested positive for Covid. The good news is that we got it all at the same time so we didn’t have to isolate ourselves from one another. The better news is that everyone was asymptomatic, except me. I went down hard. I had a colleague tell me I looked “wrecked” when I finally showed up for a Zoom meeting six days into it.

But it meant that pretty much everything was put on hold, including this podcast. Last week was supposed to have been a big hoopla for our 200th episode and, instead, you were met with silence. I couldn’t even bring myself to record a, “Hey folks, there’s no new episode this week, but we’re working on something very cool for you to celebrate the 200th episode! Stay tuned until next Tuesday!”

Would have been really easy to record that, right? Wrong! We also moved houses right before we went down and I had the added benefit of having no idea where my microphone was. Covid plus life in boxes made for a hard week for poor Gini.

So here we are…technically at the 201st week of the Spin Sucks podcast, but only the 200th episode. And, because it’s such a big deal, we’re going to celebrate in a way only Spin Sucks can do…with a special guest from the one and only Spin Sucks intern.

Stay tuned!

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The post A Conversation with Mini-Me. Happy 200th Episode! appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.