This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Lisa Manyoky, Genevieve Piturro, Mary Foltz, and Mari-Lou Nidle.
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The post #604-607: Manyoky, Piturro, Foltz, Nidle w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#604: Lisa Manyoky and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Etch your mark with presence development. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lisa Manyoky (, the founder of Presence Intelligence. Within her professional career spanning 30 years, she has exhibited her communication, branding, marketing and entrepreneurial expertise.

Lisa Manyoky has deciphered people, interpersonal dynamics, motivation, expression, business and words.  And through that, she helps figure out if what they’re putting out there, whether they are cognizant or not, is getting them where they should be or where they want to be.

If you are a solopreneur who is not really where you want to be, it is best to reach out to Lisa Manyoky through her website, or by visiting her LinkedIn profile on

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Solopreneurs with a disconnect between who they are and where they are should reach out to Lisa Manyoky. #PresenceDevelopment @LisaManyoky
I had a degree in graphic design and marketing. So learning to position people in products and services in their best light was my craft. #PresenceDevelopment @LisaManyoky
At 24 years old, I started my own business and with that business, I ended up keeping the lights on, raised three kids, put through college as a single mom, and here I am still. #PresenceDevelopment @LisaManyoky
When I worked with orgs, I found that no matter how good I made their services and products look, if the people were dysfunctional, or if they wouldn’t work putting their best foot forward, it didn’t matter. #PresenceDevelopment @LisaManyoky
I know how hard it was to raise kids as a solo mom. There was isolation that came with it. And if I can spare anybody, some of the angst that comes with it, then I will turn myself inside out to do so. #PresenceDevelopment @LisaManyoky

To view the video interview click here.

#605: Genevieve Piturro and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Inspiring people to listen to their hearts, lead with meaning, and find their own purpose, passion, and pajamas. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Genevieve Piturro ( who is a professional speaker, consultant, author, and founder of the successful national nonprofit Pajama Program more than twenty years ago. Her mission is to inspire people to listen to their hearts, lead with meaning, and find their own purpose, passion, and pajamas.

My work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, Forbes, CNN, and The Wall Street Journal, and I was invited to ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell.

If you’re reading this and you don’t have joy in what you’re doing and who you are, reach out to Genevieve Piturro via her LinkedIn or her website

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

I’m inspiring people to listen to their hearts, lead with meaning, and find their own purpose, passion, and pajamas.
Many people are in a path that they feel like they made a wrong turn and they realize they want to make a move, but wonder if it’s too late. It’s not too late!
I do group master classes and I do individual courses on the steps to take to transform your life and do what you love to do.
I’ve been doing this for 22 years and I was one of those people who had to figure out how to bring meaning in my life so I started a nonprofit.
I have mentored and coached thousands of people who have wanted to change midway like I did. And it’s just been incredible to hear their stories and to see them blossom.

To view the video interview click here.

#606: Mary Foltz and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Deliver a delightful experience with your customer service. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mary Foltz (, the president and chief service strategist of Service Counts! She is a customer service performance coach who works with clients to create exceptional and delightful experiences.

Since the inception of her business Service Counts! in 2005, Mary Foltz has consulted to many clients across a myriad of industries including the expanse of service leadership, guest experience evaluations, team building, manager retreats and diverse training seminars and line-level activities.

If you’re running an organization but you don’t deliver positive customer experiences 100% of the time, then you should reach out to Mary Foltz by emailing her at [email protected] or by connecting with her on

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Organizations that don’t deliver positive customer experiences should reach out to Mary Foltz. #CustomerService @ServiceCounts
There’s psychology about understanding who they’re serving and how they want to be served. So we create the experiences for them so they can go back into their role and understand and appreciate what it felt like. #CustomerService @ServiceCounts
It’s been 25 years of really researching, digging in deep, and discovering what makes the customer delighted. So it really has been eye-opening to me so that in turn, I can deliver that back to my clients. #CustomerService @ServiceCounts
I think everyone absolutely 110% deserves the very best experience. And we need to be afforded that opportunity. And so in turn, now when I work with my clients, I inculcate to them what they need to be delivering. #CustomerService @ServiceCounts
My greatest feedback is when people share about how my children behave. A teacher told me the other day that my son was the nicest student that she’s ever had in her entire 28 years of teaching. That’s affirming. #CustomerService @ServiceCounts

To view the video interview click here.

#607: Mari-Lou Nidle and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Target the right audience, the right place, with the right message. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mari-Lou Nidle (, principal and integrated media and marketing strategist in InHouse Media + Marketing, Inc. She has two (2) decades of experience as a Corporate Marketing Director, a Principal of her own Marketing & Media firm, a Global Media Manager and a Manager for Canada’s largest entrepreneurial program.

Mari-Lou provides marketing strategies and execution for a variety of industries. She loves targeting markets and has managed multiple marketing/advertising budgets in the millions of dollars stretching every client media dollar for the most value. Mari-Lou puts a lot of emphasis on integrity, sustainability and social purpose in her marketing practice.

If you’re running a business and have marketing anxiety, consider reaching out to Mari-Lou Nidle by visiting her websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Businesses with marketing anxiety should reach out to Mari-Lou Nidle.
I can mentor you on developing your overall strategy, aligning it to your business goals, and understanding your budget limitations and where the markets are. #BrandMarketing [email protected]
A plethora of marketing options out there can cause anxiety with marketers. My role is to alleviate your marketing anxiety by helping you focus on building your brand. #BrandMarketing [email protected]
Which direction is your business sailing? I can show you how to get there through a big-picture strategy by targeting, creating, and servicing your customer needs. #BrandMarketing
How do you know that the media you’re investing in is adding to your bottom-line? I can assist you in eliminating the risk of bad decisions by understanding your brand, customers, and competition. #BrandMarketing [email protected]

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #604-607: Manyoky, Piturro, Foltz, Nidle w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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