This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Asha Mankowska, Naveen Lakkur, and Carl Utter.
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#601: Asha Mankowska and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Having a strategy to identify and overcome your blind spots to have massive rapid results. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Asha Mankowska (, who is the CEO and Founder of Your Favorite Business. She is also a high performance leadership coach and branding Expert, an executive mentor, virtual corporate trainer, Harvard speaker, Forbes coach, and a bestselling author. She was recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the Top Business and Career Coaches in America.

Asha is a born entrepreneur, launching her first business at the age of 21 when she was in her second year of law school, successfully building three companies in Europe from the ground up and helping clients from several countries. She knows for a fact how difficult and frustrating any type of transition can be. Asha teaches clients from around the world how to achieve a healthy balance in their professional and personal lives.

If you’re a high performer and there are some #BlindSpots that’s not letting you get to the next level, you should reach out to Asha Mankowska by visiting her website at or through

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

High performers that are ready to scale but with a #BlindSpots should reach out to Asha Mankowska by visiting her website at @AshaMankowska.
Many are ready to scale, to grow to be more profitable, to be more influential, but there are aspects that they cannot identify so they get stuck and have #BlindSpots that are blocking their way. @AshaMankowska
I have a proprietary process that helps entrepreneurs identify their blind spots and remove them. #BlindSpots @AshaMankowska
I can do one on one coaching, consulting or workshops, and training for them to determine what is happening, how to overcome and implement it on the spot so they can have massive rapid results. #BlindSpots @AshaMankowska
I think the credibility really lies in my clients’ massive results that they’re getting by working with me in a very short period of time. #BlindSpots @AshaMankowska

To view the video interview click here.

#602: Naveen Lakkur and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Inspire innovation by thinking out of the box. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Naveen Lakkur (, the founder and chief innovation coach at Institute of Inspiring Innovation. He is a serial entrepreneur turned innovation coach.

Naveen Lakkur has co-founded several innovative companies within his over 25-year professional career. He is a visionary catalyst that has transformed 250+ ideas into commercial realities.

If you’re a part of the C-suite or have been tasked to help bring the culture of innovation inside your company, it is best to reach out to Naveen Lakkur by visiting and

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Enterprises that need a robust corporate culture for innovation should reach out to Naveen Lakkur. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
Along with this exposure, there is a lot of learning. As a coach, I’ve understood that I’ve become a better student, so I continue to learn as we go on as a coach. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
I’ve been instrumental as a catalyst for more than 250 ideas to have become commercial realities worldwide and trained and enabled more than 50,000 professionals around the world! #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
We have developed the frameworks and methodology and methods to help people think out of the box and understand what it means and generate new ideas. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
If we need to make tomorrow better, we need to learn to build competency today. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur

To view the video interview click here.

#603: Carl Utter and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Helping small businesses establish a growth engine that generates leads close sales and increases profitability. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Carl Utter (, Founded Training Group Inc. and owner of Carl’s Way Works Coaching Systems providing online and offline coaching programs, sales and client acquisition training. During the past 18 years of real entrepreneurial business experience, he provided performance coaching, sales training and sales force development consulting.

He has provided performance coaching, sales training and sales force development consulting. He has written and developed numerous programs like “Client Centric Selling”, “5 Ways To Double Your Business Without Making Cold Calls”, and “How to Become the 800lb Gorilla Nobody Wants to Compete With”

If  you’re in a small business, and you’re the top revenue producer and you want to fix that, you’re going to want to reach out to Carl Utter and

Here‌ ‌are‌ ‌a‌ ‌couple‌ ‌of‌ ‌AHA‌ ‌messages‌ ‌from‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode:‌ ‌

Business owners struggling to turn their expertise into revenue by themselves should reach out to Carl Utter
So you’re in a small business, and you’re the top revenue producer and you want to fix that, you’re going to want to reach out to Carl utter
We help business owners develop systems and processes so that they can go from so they can duplicate it so they don’t have to be the top producer. So we make it affordable. We make it reliable we make it easy to implement.
I’m a teacher, so any opportunity I can get in front of groups and teach, I’ll teach. The other thing is, we only take on about six to eight clients a year. I don’t want to be working any more than 10 people to time.
We do strategy on how we’re going to grow sales. That’s all one on one with the with the business owner.

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #601-603: Mankowska, Lakkur, Utter w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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