This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Ellen Grace Henson, Susan Thomson, Per Sjofors, and Kris Yagel.
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#546: Ellen Grace Henson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Ramp up your revenue with a cross-functional team. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ellen Grace Henson (, a business consultant. She is the founder and managing director of Marketing Mechanics.

Grace Henson helps executives and teams to have strategic conversations on what is at the core of their company– their customer. She aims to engage and align towards 100% customer satisfaction and business success.

If you are a C-suite executive and you recognize that you’re losing revenue, Ellen Grace Hanson can help turn it around. Connect with her via You can also check out for more information.

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

C-suite executives who are losing #Revenue should consider reaching out to Ellen Grace Henson. @EGHenson
I do a lot of research on customers; I aggregate other people’s research as well. There’s been a lot of research done about the advantages of high employee engagement. Consequently, I aggregate those and share them with my audience. #Revenue @EGHenson
I do have what I call alignment think tanks, which are a series of workshops that bring that customer knowledge to cross-functional teams. And ultimately, that delivers the value to the customer throughout the full customer experience. #Revenue @EGHenson
I bring in other consultants to complement my services to ensure clients are getting exactly what they need, so that they can have happier customers, engaged employees, and fix their #Revenue challenge and really have an increase in revenue. @EGHenson
I’ve worked with over 100 companies across a range of markets. And out of all that experience that I mustered, I’ve been able to develop methodologies and frameworks that help my clients deliver higher levels of customer satisfaction. #Revenue @EGHenson

To view the video interview click here.

#547: Susan Thomson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Helping business owners turn their stress into a stronger, better and healthier business by having a strategic plan. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Susan Thomson ( She is the CEO of ActionCOACH Business & Executive Coaching and a Board Director of Buy Build Sell WI. She helps business owners from all industries and all sizes take their businesses from good to great.

Susan and her team live by a simple premise. They build confidence, challenge you to see what’s possible, and inspire you to transform the business you have into the business you want. They are also dedicated to giving back to communities and supporting the efforts of those working to improve their own lives and the lives of others. They are proud contributors to Buy 1 Give 1 initiative, which helps businesses, give back in meaningful ways so they can create long-lasting impacts and an even greater sense of purpose in their businesses.

If you see that you don’t have a #Business #StrategicPlan and you think that you needed one, you should reach out to Susan Thomson by visiting or through her LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies without a #StrategicPlan should reach out to Susan Thomson by visiting her website at com/driven or through Twitter at @Bizcoach1.
For 13 years, I’ve spoken to more than 12,000 business leaders on how to go from the chaos of owning a #Business to one that’s healthy, growing and under control. @Bizcoach1
It’s so interesting to know how really smart people have this gut feeling of how their #Business works. There are so many reasons why strategies may work today and not work tomorrow. @Bizcoach1
The coolest thing in the world is the way we used to do #Business when you shake somebody’s hand. When you shake somebody’s hand, they will look in your eye, and the contract is made. @Bizcoach1
There’s a lot of ways to give back. We do a lot of public speaking. Paid and pro bono. We’re all involved in communities. @Bizcoach1

To view the video interview click here.

#548: Per Sjofors and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increasing your sales at higher prices and finding desirable customer profiles through a data-driven pricing strategy. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Per Sjofors (, the Founding Partner and CEO of Atenga. He is known as “The Price Whisperer” who is passionate about driving his clients’ sales and profits higher by better pricing.

Per works with small to mid-sized company CEOs who have concerns about the effective pricing parameters. He brings years of experience in running companies and conducting pricing experiments to deliver data-driven market and pricing strategies. This process allows companies to find desirable customer profiles and increase their sales at higher prices.

If you’re running a company and you don’t want to leave money on the table, you should consider reaching out to Per Sjofors by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small to mid-sized company CEO who wakes up in the middle of the night worrying about leaving money on the table should reach out to Per Sjofors. #Pricing @PSjofors
Every entrepreneur, even public company CEOs has these concerns at some point – Am I overpricing? Am I underpricing? Am I leaving money on the table? Per Sjofors can definitely help you out with your pricing concerns. #Pricing @PSjofors
Almost all companies do leave money on the table. I can help you address that problem through a process that will make sure you won’t. #Pricing @PSjofors
I’ve figured out a process that will make sure you don’t leave money on the table. It’s all about understanding the true willingness of your customers and non-customers. #Pricing @PSjofors
Do you know why your customers buy your products and services and why your non-customers don’t? What affects their willingness to pay? When you know all that, you have a recipe for increased sales at higher prices to these groups. #Pricing @PSjofors

To view the video interview click here.

#549: Kris Yagel and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Exceed client expectations and be awe-inspiring with a commitment to the highest level of service. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kris Yagel (, leadership expert, TEDx and DIsruptHR speaker, award-winning executive, top rated army officer, and founder and CEO of Diligent Plans. He is a servant leader who has also worked with Fortune 100 companies with a proven record of winning and believes that everyone has value and purpose.

Kris’ motto is simple: Do whatever it takes to help others grow. He is passionate in helping others to recognize their worth that lie within themselves and this can be seen in the way he guides his clients to achieve a breakthrough by helping them become more awe-inspiring leaders than they are today.

If you’re strong enough to say “I am sometimes a leader who is unsure,” consider reaching out to Kris Yagel by visiting his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Leaders who are unsure should reach out to Kris Yagel.
With my guidance, I can help you become an exceptional leader with a high-functioning team who creates hope and inspires action. #AweInspiring @krisyagel
The world is evolving rapidly. I can teach you how to remain flexible in the ever-changing needs of your clients while remaining true to your principles and core values. #AweInspiring @krisyagel
Leaders are often too close to the problem or to a solution, whatever it may be. I can assist you in seeing things in perspective so you don’t get stuck and hit the sticking point. #AweInspiring
I can provide you with both breadth and depth by planting seeds in you to learn and grow from where you can actually see changes in your leadership. Are you ready to be an #AweInspiring leader? @krisyagel

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #546-549: Henson, Thomson, Sjofors, Yagel w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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