This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Lee Henson, Kimberly Carlson, Timothy Morgan, and Marie Zimenoff.
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#526: Lee Henson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Understanding organizational inefficiency to gain the best certification possible. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lee Henson ( He is the founder and president of Agile Dad. He is also a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Project Management Professional (PMP), Motivational Speaker, Coach, and a Mentor.

Lee’s 15 years of experience spans a broad array of roles and responsibilities. He is currently one of just over 160 Certified Scrum Trainers worldwide. His unique blend of real-world experience in various roles combined with the ability to drive home complex concepts in an easy to understand manner make him an amazing coach to get any team best focused on project related initiatives.

If you’re running a company that has #OperationalInefficiency, you should consider reaching out to Agile Dad. Reaching out to Lee Henson by visiting his website at or through LinkedIn at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies who have #OrganizationalInefficiency should reach out to Lee Henson by visiting his website at
We want you to feel the comfort of knowing that we humanize work, that we take pride in everything that we do and we help people engage in a way that they haven’t seen before. #OrganizationalInefficiency @AgileDad
We don’t want them to just build more things. We want them to come away with “less is more”. #OrganizationalInefficiency @AgileDad
We wanted to achieve the best #Certification possible that would empower us and help us to uplift other companies and individuals. @AgileDad
People need not just a #Certification to check the boxes but something that’s applicable in the real world. Something that is industry recognized. Something they can use not just today, but throughout the entirety. @AgileDad

To view the video interview click here.

#527: Kimberly Carlson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Figuring out how to navigate your business through this new norm based on the market and what is coming your way versus what already hit you. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kimberly Carlson (, the President of AppWorks. She is also a mentor, speaker, creative consultant, and business analyst.

Kimberly works with companies to help them identify, clarify, and articulate their hurdles and goals enabling them to forge a path to success. She is passionate about helping them develop and implement actionable steps and infrastructures so they can navigate their way through this new norm based on market trends and what hurdles are coming their way versus what has already hit them.

If you’re a business that is struggling with “What next?” and has been a brick and mortar you’re entire life and all of a sudden that has gone away, you should reach out to Kimberly Carlson via or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that are struggling with who they are in today’s #NewNorm should reach out to Kimberly Carlson.
We’re in the midst of this massive transformation. With this catastrophic worldwide event that we’re dealing with, so many companies are trying to figure out who they are and have no clue. #NewNorm
As the President of Appworks, we have helped over 300 companies learn how to go from the brick and mortar to an online infrastructure. #NewNorm
As a consultant, I’ve helped over 100 clients navigate their way through these new struggles, these new fog, this uncertainty that the COVID 19 has given us. #NewNorm
I do a consultation or 2 with my clients so that I learn what they’re doing and what they’re trying to do. It helps me figure out what they’re hoping to achieve versus what they’ve only gotten up to this point. #NewNorm

To view the video interview click here.

#528: Timothy Morgan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Purpose beyond profit: Marketing that makes a difference in the community by giving. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Timothy Morgan (, marketing expert, coach, consultant, founder and CEO of Giver Marketing where he implements a basic marketing system, a simple and effective marketing strategy, to increase revenue and serve growing organizations.

Timothy’s passion is to get the word out for causes, companies and leaders through marketing with a mission to bring awareness to meaningful and socially conscious organizations who are making a difference in local communities and beyond. His superpower is generating qualified appointments for coaches, consultants, advisors, brokers, and community leaders doing good in the world.

If you’re tired of deploying marketing that doesn’t work and ultimately want to add value as a socially conscious business, consider reaching out to Timothy Morgan by visiting his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small businesses which are basically frustrated with marketing efforts that aren’t working for them should reach out to Timothy Morgan.
I can coach you on changing methods in marketing while sticking to the authentic and rock solid principles of your organization. #GivingFocused @givermarketing
My role is to maximize your time spent on 4 areas of your business: 1) branding, 2) visibility, 3) promotion, and 4) nurturing. #GivingFocused @givermarketing
With my help, I can show you an effective marketing strategy which increases your company’s desired results by highlighting your goodwill activity in the community. #GivingFocused
I have master classes and a matching grant program that can help support the community which your cause company can utilize to bring clarity to a noisy marketing space. #GivingFocused @givermarketing

To view the video interview click here.

#529: Marie Zimenoff and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Transform career professionals globally with human approach and innovative trends. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Marie Zimenoff (, speaker, leader, entrepreneur, trainer, coach, careers industry advocate and counselor, and CEO of Career Thought Leaders Consortium where she provides tools that build credibility and increase effectiveness convening with thought leaders to track global influences on employment, job search and career management.

Marie understands that dedicated professionals in the careers field need and crave first-class support, training, and innovation. She merges vision and best practice training to elevate the career industry worldwide.

If you want to be up to speed on trends and best practices in the career services industry, consider reaching out to Marie Zimenoff by visiting her websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Career service providers wondering if they are up on the latest trends should reach out to Marie Zimenoff.
If you are a career service provider – coach, resume writer or personal brand strategist – I can provide you with networks, tools, tips, and training to get the best results for your clients. #CareerMasters @workwithpurpose
I can provide cutting-edge and up-to-date industry information, training and education to position you in attracting the right type of clients for your practice. #CareerMasters @workwithpurpose
I can deliver the best information, experience, results and latest counselling practices to aid in your clients’ success and your own. #CareerMasters
What jobs were not here before but in demand now? What jobs might be here tomorrow? I can show you the latest trends in job search and career change processes. #CareerMasters @workwithpurpose

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #526-529: Henson, Carlson, Morgan, Zimenoff w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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