This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, Cali Yost, Joseph Flahiff, and Vera Jones.
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The post #510-513: Jones-DeWeever, Yost, Flahiff, Jones w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#510: Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode


Scale up your revenues through generating leads. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, Ph.D. (, a media monetization mentor, media commentator, award-winning author, and international speaker.

As a business coach extraordinaire, Dr. Avis makes businesses thrive in uncertain times. She also drives entrepreneurs to generate more leads and massive revenue.

If you are an entrepreneur who goes strictly by the book but are frustrated because you can’t really break into the noise to let the people know you exist, then you should visit and

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Business owners who are actually badass at what they do but not enough people know that they exist should reach out to Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever. #leads @SistahScholar
I work with entrepreneurs who don’t understand how to maximize the power of their business. So, I educate them on how to take advantage of various types of media in order to draw attention to their businesses. #leads @SistahScholar
Business owners are frustrated because they can’t break into the noise to let the people know they exist. So, I help them leverage the power of the media in order to drive more leads and more revenues for their businesses. #leads @SistahScholar
Marketing’s more complicated than just getting on any podcast or any TV or radio show. You have to be strategic and discern the media vehicles your prospective customers are going to consume information. #leads @SistahScholar
I have appeared for over 20 years now in the media in various media spaces. Everything from CNN to Washington Post, USA Today, MSNBC, you name it, I have probably been there. #leads @SistahScholar

To view the video interview click here.

#511: Cali Yost and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieve employee engagement and well-being with work and life flexibility. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Cali Yost (, An Internationally Recognized Flexible Workplace Strategist, Futurist, Founder, Author and Speaker. She is the Founder and CEO of the Flex+Strategy Group, a solutions company that helps leaders unlock performance and engagement by reimagining how, when and where work is done.

In her two decades of experience in transforming work, she has been passionate about relentlessly seeking the answer to how people and businesses unlock the power of flexibility. She has foreseen this workplace trend coming, hence, she helps organizations build dynamic, future-ready cultures that would attract and retain engaged, diverse workforce; increase productivity and innovation; enhance employee wellbeing and maintain operating continuity when faced with unexpected disruptions.

If you’re a part of the management team, and you recognizes that your workforce needs more flexibility, but you haven’t figured out how to make that work, you should reach out to Cali Yost by going to her website at or visiting her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that do not know how to make work flexible should reach out to Cali Yost.
What we do is we connect a culture of shared leadership where managers, teams, and individuals know how to execute and leverage that infrastructure of technology and workspace.
Employees increase their engagement and well-being when they learn how to flexibly fit work and life together. Are you helping them in this process? You should!
Companies achieve measurable results and optimize work performance when they provide their individuals, teams, and managers the right mindset, skills and tools. Go towards this direction now!
I’ve been doing this for over two decades. I’ve been in the trenches making change happen. I have seen every iteration of flexibility that could possibly be.

To view the video interview click here.

#512: Joseph Flahiff and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Having a business through business systems and efficiencies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Joseph Flahiff (, who is a business leader and efficiency expert. He helps to dramatically improve the revenue and profitability of small and medium-sized businesses, applying business efficiencies used by the most respected and profitable businesses in the world.

The methods Joseph uses have been developed throughout his 25+ years of experience in key leadership positions in the healthcare and high-tech industries. They are battle-tested through practical application in mission-critical, high-profile projects, and organizational transformations. These tools, practices, mindsets, and methods reliably create efficiencies in business processes improving productivity and profitability.

If you are a business owner who is trying to have a business instead of a job and are getting in your own way, you should consider reaching out to Joseph Flahiff by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

#Business owners and operators who are in their own way should reach out to Joseph Flahiff. @joseph_flahiff
One of the most pervasive problems is that #Business owners do not know how to step aside and let their people and their business run on its own. I can help you get out of your own way so your business can thrive. @joseph_flahiff
A #Business is a separate entity from the owner. If everything in the business relies upon them, they have a job that they are the boss and employee of. I can work directly with you to find out if you actually have a business or a job. @joseph_flahiff
Most entrepreneurs who get into #Business so that they can have freedom end up stuck in a job. I can help set up your business so you can have all the freedom that you got into business for in the first place. @joseph_flahiff
I have worked to systematize #Businesses for over 25 years. This gives me the perceived credibility to help improve business processes and systems so that your business can run without you being there. @joseph_flahiff

To view the video interview click here.

#513: Vera Jones and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode


Play through the foul by overcoming adversity. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Vera Jones (, a motivational speaker, author and communication coach. She is the Women’s Basketball analyst of Big Ten Network and the president of Vera’s VoiceWorks, LLC.

Her ultimate goal is simply to assist individuals and organizations in reaching theirs. She vicariously conducts professional development coaching in workplaces and organizations.

If you’re a leader of an organization and you’re managing unmanageable employee adversity, you should consider reaching out to Vera Jones by visiting her website at or

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Leaders managing unmanageable employee adversity should reach out to Vera Jones. #adversity @CoachVJones
In workplaces and organizations, flagrant fouls do exist. There are trust issues, communication challenges, and low morale. What I ardently grind on is I deal with conflict resolution. #adversity @CoachVJones
I’ve been in front of a bunch of people. I can speak to small groups of 10, sometimes I’m speaking to thousands. I have a tangible way to assess just how many people I could inspire and coach from pain into their purpose. #adversity @CoachVJones
Play Through the Foul, it was the title of my first book. But it’s a mindset. It’s a mantra for overcoming adversity to win through the game called life! Let me bring success not just to your career but to your personal life as well. #adversity @CoachVJones
My greatest claim to fame is I did have a video that went viral on Goalcast that has garnered up to 46.9 million views now. #adversity @CoachVJones

To view the video interview click here.

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The post #510-513: Jones-DeWeever, Yost, Flahiff, Jones w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.