On this week’s Spin Sucks podcast episode, Gini Dietrich reflects on the growth of Spin Sucks and shares lessons learned over years that you can learn in just a minute.  

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The post Spin Sucks #191: Building Traction as Fast as Possible appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Owned media is complex. It’s often the most challenging thing a communications team can take on. It takes a long time to create, it takes a long time to gain traction, and it takes a long time to get results. 

But with patience and hard work, the results are outstanding. But, unfortunately, the patience piece of that formula is usually the most challenging part. Because it takes as long as it does for meaningful results, many executives dictate that the work stop and the comms team goes on to work on something else–and then everyone moans about how it doesn’t work. 

If we’d started Spin Sucks today versus 2006, it wouldn’t have made it the three years (THREE YEARS) it took to gain traction. Like every other executive, I wouldn’t have had the patience to keep going. To this day, I’m not sure why we did keep going when the results were so dismal, but I’m glad we did! 

Owned media is definitely worth the time and effort. It’s afforded my business tons of opportunities it wouldn’t have otherwise had—and it’s helped our clients’ organizations scale much more rapidly. But making the case that you need to do it for a year, let alone three, before seeing results is crazy. 

On this week’s Spin Sucks podcast episode, we’ll talk about what you can do if you’re just beginning a corporate blog or owned media program—and need it to be successful lots faster than Spin Sucks was back in the day. Learn from me, my friends. Learn from me.

Resources Included:

Trump Ended His Blog After 29 Days
Trump’s Blog Reports Dismal Numbers
Coaching Client
PESO Model™ Certification
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks #191: Building Traction as Fast as Possible appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.