Paid media, the “P” of the PESO Model, is a crucial piece of your communications planning. In this episode, Gini Dietrich shares her best tips for an effective paid media strategy.

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The post Spin Sucks 187: Sometimes You’ve Got to Pay to Play appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Paid media is exactly what it sounds like—you pay to reach new audiences. We’ve talked here before about the “P” of the PESO Model™. We’ve covered how paid media fits into a larger communications strategy, and what it looks like in practice. But many communicators get overwhelmed by it, think it belongs solely to marketing, or skip it entirely.

Paid media, though, is an important part of your communications planning. It is, after all, one-fourth of the PESO Model table. Without it, the table would topple over.

There is more to paid media than PPC ads, however, so here are some of the lesser-known, but potentially awesome ways to use paid media that you can use to promote your content, have larger content distribution, get closer to the things the execs care about, and increase the reach of your brand. 

On this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast, I’d like to spend a little time digging further into paid media, this time with a specific focus on the platforms you can use to promote and amplify your content.

No need to be scared. It’s not like it’s really easy to spend tons of time and money on campaigns that ultimately flop. It’s crazy easy to spend lots of time and money on something that doesn’t work. But learn from me. Please learn from me. I am here to save you! 

Resources Included:

PESO Model™
Communications Strategy
The Conversion Code
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 187: Sometimes You’ve Got to Pay to Play appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.