In this episode, Gini Deitrich explores how internal biases can influence the quality and success of communications plans and how to mitigate potential damage.
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The post Spin Sucks 180: Where Does Your Knowledge Come From? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

You know what you know – and if you’re lucky, you know what you don’t know. But do you know what affects what you know without you knowing it?

Try saying THAT five times fast! It’s a mouthful. Lots of “knows” in there! 

This might be easier: do you ever sit back and think about where your knowledge, decisions, and understanding are coming from—and if all of that information is accurate?

We all have internal biases and are prone to errors in decision-making. So do the people we work with.

And that means we often don’t know everything we really NEED to know about a situation we’re developing a plan for.

This is how the things going on inside our heads, and the things we have nothing to do with can influence the quality and success of our communications plans. Plus, we have to know how to mitigate the damage it can cause. This is what we’re going to discuss on this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast. 

Resources Included

How To Identify Cognitive Biases
The Curse of Knowledge
Conducting A Context Audit
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 180: Where Does Your Knowledge Come From? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.