In this week's episode of The Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich discusses last year's impact on business podcasts, and breaks down various stats to help you meet your podcasting goals in 2022.
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The post Spin Sucks 178: What Happened in 2021 with Business Podcasts? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Every year, One Stone Creative, releases its State of the Podcasting Industry report and I love to see what’s new, what works (and what doesn’t), and where the trends point toward.

The report shows that, overall, the top 100 business podcasts are about the same age—and many of them are newer shows, which means you’re never too late to start a podcast. 

It also shows that there are more episodes being published today than last year. Daily releases have increased from 9% last year to 17% this year. Not only that but thrice-weekly releases have increased from 7% to 10%. 

There are lots of lessons to be had in all of this data, which is what we’re going to discuss on this week’s episode.

Resources Included:

One Stone Creative
State of the Podcasting Industry Report
Spin Sucks Podcast

The post Spin Sucks 178: What Happened in 2021 with Business Podcasts? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.