One of the things that continue to allude communicators is measurement, which is what Gini Dietrich discusses on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.
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The post Spin Sucks 174: How to Create Accurate PR Measurement appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

One of the things that continue to allude communicators is measurement. Part of the challenge is the industry doesn’t have a uniform way to measure what we do. Then we also have to take into account brand awareness, which is pretty near impossible to measure, and then we’re left with the things we can measure—leads and participation in nurturing them to conversion.

It’s not a fun topic and I can hear you all groaning. BUT!! It’s extraordinarily important. Pretty much every meeting my team and I have with clients today begins  with, “How many leads did you generate? How many are marketing qualified? How many are sales qualified?” 

And how do you create your goals, and what do you report on weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually?

It’s rough and, while we’ve figured out the answer for most, there is still the elusive brand awareness, which is required, but challenging to measure—at least without a six-figure budget to do studies every year.

What we talk about is what you can measure and how to set up your comms plans at the start to define the metrics the correct way. And then we’ll use a framework to help you report on the results. 

That’s what we discuss on this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.

Resources Included

Christopher S. Penn’s SAINT Framework
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 174: How to Create Accurate PR Measurement appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.