As businesses consider returning to normal, what does marketing look like? Gini Dietrich says the answer is in creating values-based marketing.
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The post Spin Sucks 139: The Benefits of Values-based Marketing appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

By now, most or all of you are somewhat digitized and working remotely, if not entirely. 

As one CEO of a large tech company recently stated, “We are witnessing what will surely be remembered as a historic deployment of remote work and digital access to services across every domain.”

Indeed, recent data show that we have vaulted five years forward in consumer and business digital adoption in a matter of around eight weeks. Five years!

Banks have transitioned to remote sales and service teams and launched digital outreach to customers to make flexible payment arrangements for loans and mortgages. 

Grocery stores have shifted to online ordering and delivery as their primary business. 

Schools are either all in-person, some sort of hybrid, or all virtual. And don’t get me started on the hybrid schedules plus having to quarantine because a friend in class tested positive. Oy vey! 

As some regions reopen fully and lift mask mandates, businesses are considering how to return to some semblance of full speed in a still unstable environment. What does that look like as we consider how we market? Are there changes we’ll need to make? If so, how?

The answer is in creating values-based marketing.

That’s what we discuss on this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.

Resources Included

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The Who We Are Project
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 139: The Benefits of Values-based Marketing appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.