Justice Ginsburg fought for equal rights, regardless of gender, but the time we're in right now feels eerily like a step back 50 years. On this week's podcast episode, Gini Dietrich describes the work we still have left to do.
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The post Spin Sucks 117: What Justice Ginsburg Meant to All of Us appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

We’re going to spend a little time today talking about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. While not directly related to communications, there are some things we can learn from her, as professionals and as human beings.

Guys, this may not directly correlate to you, so if you want to skip this week’s listen, it won’t hurt my feelings. But if you are a feminist and are concerned about how women’s rights continue to change, particularly right now during a global pandemic, this is for you.

As we think about how hard Justice Ginsburg fought for equal rights, regardless of gender, the time we’re in right now feels eerily like a step back 50 years.

I don’t know what the right answer is, but I do know we have one job to do: we have to continue to fight for equality for all humans, women included. It’s exceptionally challenging right now to care for children while they’re doing distance learning and we’re working full-time. I’m right there in the middle of it with some of you and it sucks.

There are definitely days that I think, “OK, maybe I take a sabbatical for a year until there is a vaccine.” And then there are days, like on Friday when Justice Ginsburg died, that I think, “A dumb pandemic is not going to do me in. I am woman. Hear me roar!”

Resources Mentioned In Episode

Coronavirus Has Hit Women Harder than Men
The Spin Sucks Podcast
The PESO Model
Spin Sucks Community

The post Spin Sucks 117: What Justice Ginsburg Meant to All of Us appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.