In this episode of the Spin Sucks podcast, Gini Dietrich talks about how to detect if a crisis is brewing before it ever hits the keyboards of the warriors.
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Because of all of the crisis work I’ve been doing this year, I’m quite obsessed with what can happen to a brand, through no fault of their own. From Trump tweeting to boycott your product or service to getting in the crosshairs of QAnon, it’s a crazy time to be a communicator!

Though I love social media and the world it has opened up to me personally and professionally, I often long for the days when the crises were few and far between and they rarely happened to one organization more than once. Now it’s not “if”, but “when” when it comes to every, single one of us facing perhaps even one (or more) crises a year. 

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today. Not necessarily how to handle a crisis—there is plenty of that information, including on Spin Sucks. But how to detect if something is brewing before it ever hits the keyboards of the warriors.

Resources from the Episode

Crisis comms resources on Spin Sucks
Wayfair Is In the Crosshairs of QAnon
Trump Boycott of Goodyear Tires
Early-warning risk intelligence

The post Spin Sucks 116: How to Detect a Brewing Crisis appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.