Unsavory and nefarious things happen on the Dark Web. But the Dark Web and Dark Social Media are not exclusively a place for ne'er-do-wells, criminals, and extremists. Dark Social includes messaging apps, private discussion groups on popular public forums, and even email. An increasing share of conversations about brands is taking place on the Dark Web, according to new research. How can communicators monitor it and influence the conversation in their favor? Neville and Shel dive into the Deep Web in this short midweek episode.
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The post FIR #392: Going Below the Surface into Dark Social Media appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Unsavory and nefarious things happen in the Dark Social Media. But Dark Social is not exclusively a place for ne’er-do-wells, criminals, and extremists. Dark Social includes messaging apps, private discussion groups on popular public forums, and even email. An increasing share of conversations about brands is taking place on the Dark Web, according to new research. How can communicators monitor it and influence the conversation in their favor? Neville and Shel dive into Dark Social in this short midweek episode.

Links from this episode:

Why marketers can’t ignore dark social media
What Is Dark Social and How Can Marketers Use It?
Dark Social in 2024: Here’s Why (and How) You Should Track It
What is dark social media and how can communicators use it?

The next monthly, long-form episode of FIR will drop on Monday, March 25.

We host a Communicators Zoom Chat most Thursdays at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials needed to participate, contact Shel or Neville directly, request the credentials in our Facebook group, or email [email protected].

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog. Shel has started a metaverse-focused Flipboard magazine. You can catch up with both co-hosts on Neville’s blog and Shel’s blog. Neville’s Asides blog is also available.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this podcast are Shel’s and Neville’s and do not reflect the views of their employers and/or clients.

The post FIR #392: Going Below the Surface into Dark Social Media appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.