In the January Hobson and Holtz Report, Neville and Shel dive into the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Also in this episode, disinformation is now available as a service -- DaaS; we review some journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions for 2022; TikTok and LinkedIn are both copying successful features of other social media services but adding their own twists; authenticity in virtual communication doesn't mean what you think it does (according to one researcher); organized labor is having a moment in the U.S., which should lead internal communicators to rethink some of their strategies. In his tech report, Dan York looks at Twitter Spaces' capabilities, the rebirth of Tumblr, Instagram's test of a chronological feed, Instagram and TikTok testing subscriptions, and some reports on NFTs.
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The post FIR #220: Pssst. Wanna Buy Some Disinformation? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

In the January Hobson and Holtz Report, Neville and Shel dive into the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Also in this episode, disinformation is now available as a service — DaaS; we review some journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions for 2022; TikTok and LinkedIn are both copying successful features of other social media services but adding their own twists; authenticity in virtual communication doesn’t mean what you think it does (according to one researcher); organized labor is having a moment in the U.S., which should lead internal communicators to rethink some of their strategies. In his tech report, Dan York looks at Twitter Spaces’ capabilities, the rebirth of Tumblr, Instagram’s test of a chronological feed, Instagram and TikTok testing subscriptions, and some reports on NFTs.

The next episode will drop on Monday, February 28, 2022.

We are hosting an FIR Communicators Zoom Chat each Thursday during the stay-at-home period at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials needed to participate, contact Shel or Neville directly or request the credentials in our Facebook group or send an email to [email protected].

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog. Neville’s link blog, Outbox, is available, as well.

Links from this episode

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer – The Cycle of Distrust
Trust Barometer: Cycle Of Distrust Threatens Societal Stability
Almost seven in ten people worry they are being lied to by journalists according to latest Edelman trust survey
2022 Edelman Trust Barometer: Businesses are the most-trusted source of information
Disinformation as a Service is The Next Big Threat for Communicators
Twitter’s Science Stars Fight Misinformation
We Found the One Group of Americans Who Are Most Likely to Spread Fake News
Research note: Fighting misinformation or fighting for information?
Sweden sets up Psychological Defense Agency to fight fake news, foreign interference
What Will 2022 Bring in the Way of Misinformation on Social Media? 3 Experts Weigh In
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2022
Reuters Institute predictions for 2022: nine trends you need to know about
TikTok Looks to Expand Content Horizons with New, Integrated ‘Stories’ Test
LinkedIn is launching interactive, Clubhouse-style audio events this month in beta; a video version will come this spring
Communicating Authentically in a Virtual World
Taking On Starbucks, Inspired by Bernie Sanders
Alabama Amazon workers to re-do union vote
The rise and fall (and rise?) of organized labor
Workers across the US are rising up. Can they turn their anger into a movement?
Labor movement could gain momentum in 2022
How Workers Can Win in 2022
U.S. Labor Unions Are Having a Moment
Image Comics Employees Vote to Form Union
Ten Predictions For the Year Ahead in Labor
How the coronavirus pandemic may be causing support of labor unions to rise
The business case for union busting is eroding
9 Things You Must Communicate to Employees to Stay Union Free
How to Open Up Communication to Engage Union Members

Links from Dan York’s Report

Twitter Spaces Recording Now Available For All Users On Android And IOS
How Tumblr Became Popular for Being Obsolete
Adam Mosseri explains how Instagram is bringing back the chronological feed
Instagram launches early test of creator subscriptions in the U.S.
TikTok Is Testing Paid Subscriptions
Facebook and Instagram are reportedly exploring plans to make, showcase, and sell NFTs
Twitter Blue and NFTs
Synthetic Uteruses, Web3, and Wordle

The post FIR #220: Pssst. Wanna Buy Some Disinformation? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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