The August installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report includes reports on these stories:

Whatever it turns out to be, the metaverse is absolutely coming as the next iteration of the internet
An update on NFTs: They have more staying power than we originally predicted
Unpacking the vicious cycle of anger, hostility, and outrage on social networks
Internal communicators need to get more involved in how managers manage
Shades of Dooced! How a boss discovering a secret blog changed an employee at a company in Belgium

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The post FIR #210: Dipping Our Toes in the Metaverse appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

The August installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report includes reports on these stories:

Whatever it turns out to be, the metaverse is absolutely coming as the next iteration of the internet
An update on NFTs: They have more staying power than we originally predicted
Unpacking the vicious cycle of anger, hostility, and outrage on social networks
Internal communicators need to get more involved in how managers manage
Shades of Dooced! How a boss discovering a secret blog changed an employee at a company in Belgium

Our FIR recording sessions are now being streamed live, because why not? We already stream it in order to capture a backup recording on YouTube; we’ve just been making these restricted streams. We have decided to make them public so you can watch and comment. Our next recording is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 22 at noon ET. You’ll see our pre-recording conversation as well as seeing how the sausage gets made. Watch live here.

(You can watch the video of the making of this episode, though it’s clearly too late to share comments we can read right into the show.)

We are hosting an FIR Communicators Zoom Chat each Thursday during the stay-at-home period at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials needed to participate, contact Shel or Neville directly or request the credentials in our Facebook group or send an email to [email protected].

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog. Neville’s link blog, Outbox, is available, as well.

Host Notes

Neville is participating in an “unhurried conversation” with Johnny Moore about social warming, a topic covered in this episode of FIR: “Is technology making us too vehement? How can we steer away from instant outrage online?” Join Neville and Johnny at 11 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, September 1, and join in the conversation. Register for free
On Wednesday, August 25, Shel will join cybersecurity and ransomware extortion expert JD Myers to discuss the chilling, widespread impact of cybersecurity threats. We’ll also share expert advice for strategic preparation to mitigate risk, and communication tactics should the worst-case scenario occur. Learn how professional communicators and executives can prepare for impact as the threat of ransomware extortion increases at a pandemic frenzy worldwide. Hosted by IABC DC Metro, this Zoom event is free to IABC members and $10 for non-members. Register
Join Shel’s internal communication BEAM (a short-form social audio service)

Links from This Month’s Episode

Wikipedia’s entry on the metaverse
What is the metaverse? 2 experts explain
Facebook launches VR remote work app, calling it a step to the ‘metaverse’
Mark in the Metaverse: Facebook’s CEO on why the social network is becoming ‘a metaverse company’
The coming battle over the metaverse
Why Silicon Valley is betting on making this dystopian sci-fi idea a reality
Are We in the Metaverse Yet?
How the Virtual World “Second Life” is a Showcase of the Metaverse – My Thoughts about Doug Antin’s Article on Medium
Facebook, Roblox See the ‘Metaverse’ as Key to the Internet’s Next Phase
Inside Facebook’s Metaverse for Work
Unity’s John Riccitiello is a strong believer in the metaverse
A peek into the metaverse: How to prevent a virtual world from becoming a dystopian nightmare
NFT Sector Snapshot
5 brands that are experimenting with NFTs
Times Square Set to Host Digital Billboard Featuring NFT Content
Unpicking the vicious cycle of anger, hostility, and outrage on social networks
‘Likes’ and ‘shares’ teach people to express more outrage online
Young Workers Want Good Communication, Not Perks
Coaching is in, but managers aren’t ready, Forrester says
The Effect of Respect: Respectful Communication at Work Drives Resiliency, Engagement, and Job Satisfaction among Early Career Employees
A moment that changed me: my boss discovered my secret blog
Emma Beddington’s Twitter Account
Urban Dictionary: Dooced
Wikipedia entry for Heather Armstrong’s Dooced

Links from Dan York’s Report

Twitter Spaces updates make it easier to share and discover live audio
Twitter Spaces tweet on updates
In growing battle with TikTok, Facebook to test “Facebook Reels” in the US
Reddit is quietly rolling out a TikTok-like video feed button on iOS
TikTok is testing a Snapchat-style stories feature

The post FIR #210: Dipping Our Toes in the Metaverse appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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