The March installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report includes reports on these stories:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, which Burger King learned after one well-meaning but poorly thought-out tweet
Do you subscribe to a podcast or follow it? (Or listen to it?) These verbs may have consequence, especially in attracting new podcast listeners.
Another company has fired another employee who built a following sharing work-related TikTok videos.
A racing drone's 87-second flight through a bowling alley has captured Hollywood's attention.
Neville is trying Timely, an Android-based competitor of Clubhouse.
NFTs -- non-fungible tokens -- are a hot topic right now. Will they become a staple of marketing and communication or will remember them as a flash in the pan in a few years' time?
Dan York has updates on WordPress and Google in his Tech Report.

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The post FIR #205: Are NFTs Nifty or Not? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

The March installment of The Hobson & Holtz Report includes reports on these stories:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, which Burger King learned after one well-meaning but poorly thought-out tweet
Do you subscribe to a podcast or follow it? (Or listen to it?) These verbs may have consequence, especially in attracting new podcast listeners.
Another company has fired another employee who built a following sharing work-related TikTok videos.
A racing drone’s 87-second flight through a bowling alley has captured Hollywood’s attention.
Neville is trying Timely, an Android-based competitor of Clubhouse.
NFTs — non-fungible tokens — are a hot topic right now. Will they become a staple of marketing and communication or will remember them as a flash in the pan in a few years’ time?
Dan York has updates on WordPress and Google in his Tech Report.

Our FIR recording sessions are now being streamed live, because why not? We already stream it in order to capture a backup recording on YouTube; we’ve just been making these restricted streams. We have decided to make them public so you can watch and comment. Our next recording is Saturday, April 17 at noon ET. You’ll see our pre-recording conversation as well as seeing how the sausage gets made. Watch live here.

(You can watch the video of the making of this episode, though it’s clearly too late to share comments we can read right into the show.)

We are hosting an FIR Communicators Zoom Chat each Thursday during the stay-at-home period at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials needed to participate, contact Shel or Neville directly or request the credentials in our Facebook group or send an email to [email protected]. Spread the word to your communications community.

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog. Neville’s link blog, Outbox, is available, as well.

Links from This Month’s Episode

Latest Politemail Internal Comms Benchmark Report
Burger King UK under fire for tweeting ‘Women belong in the kitchen’ on International Women’s Day
Burger King’s Snafu Puts Focus on the Danger of Using Shock Value as a Social Media Strategy
KFC Gaming tells Burger King to delete ‘women belong in the kitchen’ tweet
Burger King Gets Grilled for ‘Women Belong in the Kitchen’ Tweet Supporting Female Chefs
Podcasting: What word to use instead of “subscribe”?
Subscribe or Follow a Podcast: What’s in a Word?
Brands: Let your internal culture out
A Drone Went Bowling. Hollywood Noticed.
Tweet inviting you to join Timely
Reddit invitation to join Timely
The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs
Why Some Brands Are Considering Social Tokens to Monetize Engagement
NFTs are both priceless and worthless
Taco Bell Draws on the NFT Craze for Digital Art Sale
A Word on NFTs
Kings of Leon to release new album as a non-fungible token
Kings of Leon Will Be the First Band to Release an Album as an NFT
JPG File Sells for $69 Million, as ‘NFT Mania’ Gathers Pace
NFTs are a dangerous trap
Jack Dorsey is offering to sell the first tweet as an NFT and the highest bid is $2.5 million
Get to know ‘non-fungible tokens,’ NFT for short
NFTs on the hype cycle
DC Comics Tells Artists to Stay Out of NFT Business or Else
NFTs Are Hot. So Is Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate
CNN: We Bought an NFT. Here’s What We Learned

Links from Dan York’s Tech Report

Introducing WordPress Stories, A New Way to Engage Your Audience
Blocks: Story Block
WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza”
WordPress 5.7 Field Guide
Lazy-Loading iFrames in 5.7
FIR On Technology #7: Understanding Core Web Vitals: A New Google Search Ranking Factor in May 2021


The post FIR #205: Are NFTs Nifty or Not? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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