This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Jonathan Stone, Laura Rubinstein, and Lynn Scheurell.
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#598: Jonathan Stone and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Helping children and addressing childhood food insecurity problems in the community, while making a difference for future generations. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jonathan Stone ( who is the Co-Founder of Impact the Change.

13.1 million children go to bed hungry every single night, while 50% of food gets thrown away. What Jonathan Stone does is taking shipping containers and turning them into solar refrigerated food pantries so that the food that gets thrown out goes to communities that need food.

If you’re reading this and food insecurity is something you want to help solve, you should reach out to Jonathan Stone through his LinkedIn at or his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Impact the Change helps children and addresses childhood food insecurity problems in the community, while making a difference for future generations.
Impact the Change can help bring people up, give them hope and happiness, and help the communities thrive.
I help feed people each week. There are about tens of thousands of people that the new trailer we just sent will do provide about 200,000 meals every single month.
Impact the Change’s main purpose is to focus on ending childhood food insecurity in the USA.
I help 13.1 million children who go to bed hungry every single night because 50% of all food gets thrown away.

To view the video interview click here.

#599: Laura Rubinstein and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Being visible online by developing the strategies and services that get you to where you want to go. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Laura Rubinstein (, who is a social media marketing consultant, speaker, and trainer. She started as a young entrepreneur with a passion to help business owners skyrocket their bottom line using relationship marketing.

Using digital media and relationship-based marketing strategies, Laura grows your leads, customer base, and brand visibility. Her agency handles the strategy and implementation. She also trains, consults, speaks, and writes about social media as well as marketing. She applies solid marketing principles, business concepts, and the latest technology to build clientele and expand business.

If you’re feeling like you’re #Invisible online, you should reach out to Laura Rubinstein by visiting her website at or through

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies who feel #Invisible online should reach out to Laura Rubinstein by visiting her website at @CoachLaura.
We help companies who want more #Visibility online and are frustrated with their efforts because they tried what they thought was best. We help them stop wasting their time to develop strategy and services that get them to where they want. @CoachLaura
I can do all the marketing like any other firm, but what’s different is, it really becomes a partnership in terms of relationship. I fell in love with them, and that approach never fails. #Visibility @CoachLaura
I just get their mission and embody it in such a way that it’s like I’m completing their senses that they were never able to complete in their marketing. #Visibility l @CoachLaura
Having a second set of eyes really helps them resonate more with their market because what often happens is that they’re always thinking from their point of view versus their markets point of view. #Visibility @CoachLaura

To view the video interview click here.

#600: Lynn Scheurell and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Solving entrepreneurs’ crisis of clarity by translating and understanding the circumstances that they have created through life and business. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lynn Scheurell (, who is a Nationally Recognized Expert in Accelerating Results, Business Advisor, B2B Digital Strategist, Thought Leader, Lateral Systems Thinker and a Writer. She loves teaching, creating fresh results, and helping others see and live their potential in business.

Lynn has always been fascinated by human development. She was an intuitive catalyst for people to have more of what they wanted before personal coaching was even a glimmer of an industry. She believes that personal clarity allows observation of your personal power through actions, patterns and environment which enables you to access it. In doing so, you can punch holes in your personal myths and limitations to create new results.

If you’re an entrepreneur and you don’t know exactly who you are and where you’re going, consider reaching out to Lynn Scheurell by visiting her website at or through

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Entrepreneurs who are having a crisis of #Clarity should reach out to Lynn Scheurell by visiting her website at @Lynnscheurell
I help entrepreneurs to translate and understand the circumstances that they have created through life and business. #Clarity @Lynnscheurell
I help entrepreneurs make new choices going forward for interesting and potentially accelerated results. #Clarity @Lynnscheurell
I meet people where they are and it’s really about how I can help them to provide better service to the world. #Clarity @Lynnscheurell

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #598-600: Stone, Rubinstein, Scheurell w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.