This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Mario Martinez, Chris Bryant, JacQuaeline, and Michael D. Holloway.
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#558: Mario Martinez and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Accelerate your growth by increasing qualified conversations. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mario Martinez (, CEO, Founder, Modern Sales Evangelist, Keynote Speaker, and Host of the Modern Selling Podcast.

As a Speaker & Digital Sales Evangelist, Mario is passionate about sales. He has spent 84 consecutive quarters in sales & leadership helping to grow revenues for small to large fortune 100 sales teams. He began the Digital Sales Transformation movement in which he aims to change the rules of modern buyers. He believes that sales and marketing professionals must align their understanding to the needs of the buyers. That they must meet in their digitally connected, socially engaged, mobile attached, video-hungry preferences.

If you recognize that as a B2B sales leader, your organization is not generating the quantity or quality of quality of qualified sales conversations than it should, you might want to reach out to Mario Martinez by going to his profile at or visiting his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

B2B sales leaders struggling to increase qualified conversations should reach out to Mario Martinez.
We provide virtual sales training done over a period of time with B2B sellers.
We have different solutions that we provide to clients and it’s standardized based upon actual science of how learners learn over the course of time. What we do is customize our virtual training.
We customized through our virtual sales teams to virtualize our training, the information, and context about how to engage with buyers over the digital platform and that’s our main focus.
Our main focus is digital sales training done virtually teaching sellers how to leverage these digital formats like social media, video, and create more sales qualified conversations as a result of the right engagement.

To view the video interview click here.

#559: Chris Bryant and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Sprucing up fan engagement through a game-based learning and service-centric culture. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Chris Bryant (, is the Chief Experience Officer of Bryant Group Experience. He is also an award-winning expert, master trainer, and speaker in elevating the customer, client, and fan experience.

Chris brings years of experience working with legendary brands like Nordstrom and the Ritz Carlton Hotel Company. He works with professional sports franchises that are seeking to spruce up their fan engagement. He deploys game-based learning and programs and promotes a service-centric culture to help them not only engage their fans but to keep them coming back.

Whether you’re in a corporation or sports franchise, if you realize the need to spruce up #FanEngagement, you should consider reaching out to Chris Bryant by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Professional sports franchises that are struggling with #FanEngagement should reach out to Chris Bryant.
Even when things go back to whatever normal is, normal is going to be different than it has been in the past. How do sports franchises, who their entire world has been turned upside-down, deal with #FanEngagement? Chris Bryant can show you how.
What I do with the franchise that I work with is I help them identify and really clarify the promise they’re making to their fanbase and to the community to make good on that promise. #FanEngagement
I help professional sports franchises train their staff and employ a game-based learning to help them create a truly service-centric culture in the stadium or arena that keeps fans coming back. #FanEngagement
I was the Director of Training for the largest Ritz Carlton in North America, which became top-ranked in terms of guest satisfaction. I was also part of the Ritz Carlton Leadership Center, teaching companies on best practices. #FanEngagement

To view the video interview click here.

#560: JacQuaeline and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Relieve stress through your intuition power. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert JacQuaeline (, a psychic, trainer, and coach. Equipped with the flair in coaching, she was conferred with the “America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer” title.

JacQuaeline is an executive consultant, project specialist, motivational speaker, radio host and spiritual director among others. She conducts public speaking, life coaching, career development coaching, leadership development and executive coaching.

If you’re a team leader and have got a bunch of employees who are overstressed, consider reaching out to JacQuaeline who can deliver really good solutions for you. Visit and for more information.

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Team leaders that have employees that are a bit overstressed or a lot overstressed should reach out to JacQuaeline. #IntuitionPower @IntuitionPower
I had seven years of training as an intuitive psychic. I opened my first consciousness training center in 1982 in Los Angeles. I had a radio talk show for eight years on human potential broadcasting in Southern California. #IntuitionPower @IntuitionPower
Whether it be meditation skills or any type of stress reduction, or how to handle a lot of issues, I can train executives as well as employees, and help them think out of the box. #IntuitionPower @IntuitionPower
JacQuaeline’s adroitness in training people and reading for particular businesses has put her on the top spot. No wonder why she is dubbed as the “America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer”. #IntuitionPower @IntuitionPower
I teach the spoon bending. If you can bend metal with your mind, what else is possible? #IntuitionPower @IntuitionPower

To view the video interview click here.

#561: Michael D. Holloway and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Reduce variable costs with machinery technical training. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Michael D. Holloway MLE, CLS, MLT I II, MLA I II III, LLA I II, OMA (, an author and the president of 5th Order Industry LLC, which provides MLE, MLT, MLA, LLA, OMA and CLS certification preparation classes around the world.

Michael D. Holloway possesses over 30 years of aggregated experience in the industry. A scholar in his own right, he obtained the US Patent for “Bearing Cleaning Composition and Method of Use” in 2007.

If you’re looking for competent technical training, consider reaching out to Michael Holloway by visiting or

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

Professionals involved in all aspects of machinery that just aren’t just trained properly should reach out to Michael Holloway. #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
The money comes in the form of downtime parts, replacement labor, the whole nine yards. But worry no more, we can bail you out from all these sorts of miseries! Train with us. #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
Michael Holloway has published numerous books, including the Dictionary of Industrial Terms. You should now know, he is bonafide! For #MachineryTechnicalTraining, only come to the expert! @MDHolloway63
Do you know anyone who has earned five degrees??? Well, I do! Michael Holloway has procured five college degrees in prestigious universities across the US. Only learn from those who learn from the best!!! #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63
When people hire me, they’re getting the best competency development money can buy essentially! #MachineryTechnicalTraining @MDHolloway63

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #558-561: Martinez, Bryant, JacQuaeline, Holloway w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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