This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Quinn Ferrall, Nicole Roberts Jones, Brigette Iarrusso, and Carolyn Landesman.
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The post #518-521: Ferrall, Roberts Jones, Iarrusso, Landesman w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#518: Quinn Ferrall and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Optimizing performance by harnessing the power of emotional intelligence. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Quinn Ferrall (, who is the founder and performance mindset coach at Infinite Humans.

Quinn helps engineers and other design professionals find success in their careers by bridging the gap between their hard and soft skills. He helps you harness the power of emotional intelligence and provides the opportunity for you and your team to achieve optimum performance every time.

If you are an engineer who is product-focused and not people-focused, you should consider reaching out to Quinn Ferrall by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Engineers who are either project-focused or not people-focused should reach out to Quinn Ferrall. #EmotionalIntelligence @QuinnFerrall
#EmotionalIntelligence is not an inherent trait but a skill developed through targeted education and practice. I can work with you to unlock the power of EI to boost engagement and maximize efficiency. @QuinnFerrall
#EmotionalIntelligence is about getting people to think with their heart and not their head. Through group coaching, I can help your team achieve optimum performance all the time. @QuinnFerrall
With AI automation today, if engineers can’t connect and collaborate with other people and can’t be creative, they could easily lose their edge at work. I can help you tap into your #EmotionalSkills to increase your career success. @QuinnFerrall
What made me successful wasn’t just the professional registrations I got but how I related to the people around me. I can help you achieve success by learning to connect with people. #EmotionalIntelligence @QuinnFerrall

To view the video interview click here.

#519: Nicole Roberts Jones and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Building your billion-dollar brand and creating multiple streams of income through corporate programs. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Nicole Roberts Jones (, the Founder and CEO of NRJ Enterprises. She is also a nationally-recognized transformational speaker, purpose to paycheck expert, and best-selling author of four books, the most recent being, Find Your Fierce.

Nicole is uniquely gifted in drawing out the best in her clients, especially women, and helping them take their brilliance to the bank. She brings with her 27 years of experience in teaching program development at 2 universities (Boston University and University of Southern California) and consulting businesses. She is passionate about helping women build billion-dollar brands and create multiple streams of income by developing corporate programs out of their genius.

If you’ve been a successful female executive, but you’re building somebody else’s billion-dollar brand and you need support to do the same for yourself, reach out to Nicole Roberts Jones by via or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Women who are tired of building somebody else’s billion-dollar brand should reach out to Nicole Roberts Jones. #CorporateProgram @NRobertsJones
We come from the industrial age society where our jobs were always to help somebody else make money, not to be successful in terms of what we do. And you know what? Life has changed. #CorporateProgram @NRobertsJones
Women are the largest number of entrepreneurs out there. I love seeing women go to the bank, make a deposit, and write their own paycheck. I can help you do that! #CorporateProgram @NRobertsJones
I do group coaching with women where we all share. I love working with them because I’m learning equally as much as they are learning from me. #CorporateProgram @NRobertsJones
I failed for 17 years in my own business. I was only making $13,000 a year. When my coach told me that I don’t have any programs in my business, that’s when everything changed. #CorporateProgram @NRobertsJones

To view the video interview click here.

#520: Brigette Iarrusso and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Create more income and scale your impact in total integrity. This episode features #Expert and #ThoughtLeader Brigette Iarrusso (, CEO, Master Coach and Lead Consultant, Board Member Marketing Chair, Conscious Capitalism, and Steering Committee Member of the Women Entrepreneur’s of Berkeley at Berkeley Chamber of Commerce.

Brigette is passionate about helping conscious CEOs, coaches, consultants, and thought leaders with a serious purpose of generating more revenue in total integrity. She believes in implementing business strategies that put impact before income and service before sales. Her dream clients are leaders who care about equity, inclusion, social impact, sustainability, and a more conscious thriving world for all.

If you’re a conscious coach, consultant, or healer, and somebody you know who’s like that, don’t want to feel like this slimsy salesperson, you might want to reach out to Brigette Iarusso by visiting her website at or going to her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Conscious coaches, consultants, and healers that want to attract ideal clients with nothing salesy or out of integrity should reach out to Brigette Iarusso.
The way I work with my clients is I have a really inclusive, incredible, and collaborative business community. I have a business group program and I do VIP, one-on-one coaching.
What I do is I support people in honing their offers, so that it’s crystal clear the problem they solve. They’re compelling around how they position the solution they get for people.
I help people create content, signature workshops, talks, and events that bring real impact and transformation and give people the exact experience of what it would be like to work with them so they can serve their way to sales.
I guide clients so that they can serve their way to sales without marketing, pushing, or controlling people. That they’re simply creating transformation and impact with total integrity and consent.

To view the video interview click here.

#521: Carolyn Landesman and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Gain personal momentum and bring out the potential in you and your people with success coaching. This episode features #Expert and #ThoughtLeader Carolyn Landesman MBA (, Small to Medium Business Coach and Growth Strategist, and Chief Vision Officer, Strategize for Success.

Carolyn is passionate about creating a destiny train to serve as her clients’ passport to success. She believes that momentum is what you need to achieve your personal, professional, and business goals in life. Her experience as a senior executive in small to medium business enterprises along with holding an MBA allows her to have a full understanding of the challenges professionals face in their careers. She knows them because she has gone through the same being a professional, entrepreneur, and small business owner herself.

If you’re a leader who is lacking in personal momentum, maybe external in nature, and you want to learn more about this, you should reach out to Carolyn Landesman by going to her website at or visiting her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Leaders who lack personal momentum should reach out to Carolyn Landesman.
Through the years, I’ve done a lot of research in this field. And one of the things I’m particularly interested in is developing leaders.
I coach leadership, run seminars, and one of the things I use is a proprietary methodology based on my years as a Dale Carnegie facilitator.
We use time-based learning and methodology to meet people exactly where they are right now, and we do that through a process of 360-degree evaluation.
We go through a process of 360-degree evaluation to gain insights on the blind spots, and utilize a seven-step process to rebuild at the velocity momentum or to build the momentum they need to get the results they want.

To view the video interview click here.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #518-521: Ferrall, Roberts Jones, Iarrusso, Landesman w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.