This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Leah Olszewski, Laura Jack, Timothy Jones, and Kelvin McCree.
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#506: Leah Olszewski and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Improve comfort, safety and performance with professional and innovative apparel and gear designed for women working in field environments. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Leah Olszewski (, Co-Founder of FEMTAC. Leah is passionate about providing products and consulting services that cater to women in field-based professions. In addition to FEMTAC, Leah is focused on developing leadership, integrity and safety within her community and helping individuals and organizations live up to their potential.

If you know women who are wearing stuff that just doesn’t work for whatever reason, you might want to reach out to Leah Olszewski.

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Women in field environments who are forced to wear bad clothes and gear should reach out to Leah Olszewski.
We build apparel and gear for women who work in field professions, such as construction, energy, law enforcement, military and many others. We’re focusing on improving performance in any way we can.
The improvement of fit, function, and innovation in women’s professional field apparel and gear to optimize performance. Are you wearing the right clothes at work? You should!
I have served in the military since 1997. My sister, FEMTAC Co-Founder, also served. Between the two of us, we have decades of experience and we like to say that we are our customers and our customer is us.
We are very well integrated with the people we provide products to.

To view the video interview click here.

#507: Laura Jack and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Overcoming grief by learning the right things to say when the wrong things happen. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Laura Jack (, a compassionate leadership expert, trainer, and coach. She is also the best-selling author of “The Compassion Code: How to Say the Right Thing When the Wrong Thing Happens.”

Laura is a grief recovery specialist. She leads a private group who are working with people who have experienced loss of any kind and who want to live normal again, to find joy, and be reconnected with people. She helps them complete what is left unfinished in their relationship so they can be free to live a life with more joy and less pain.

If you’re grieving or know somebody who is grieving, and you want to feel normal again, you should consider reaching out to Laura Jack by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who are grieving and who want to feel normal again should reach out to Laura Jack. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
I always thought that the best words to say when something happens is not “It sucks!” But, now that it has happened to me, I’m like, “Yes, it does.” #Grief @LauraJackCoach
I learned from teenagers. Until they understand what it means to live in society, they’re pretty unfiltered. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
Are you grieving or know someone who is in pain? I can help you by teaching you to say the right thing when the wrong thing happens. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach
I help people who are grieving, who want to feel normal again, so they can re-enter their life, find joy again, and be reconnected with other people instead of feeling isolated in their feelings. #Grief #Compassion @LauraJackCoach

To view the video interview click here.

#508: Timothy Jones and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Generating business for healthcare providers through customer acquisition and creating a competitive advantage. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Timothy Jones ( He is the Founding Partner of Eternal Works. He helps small businesses increase their leads and close deals faster. He also helped them increase their ROI and create a competitive advantage.

Tim’s team helps their clients to generate more leads, close customers faster, build brand awareness and create a competitive advantage. They have a 30-minute discovery call where they create the plan to automate lead generation and customer acquisition.

If you’re a #Healthcare provider and you’re not getting the business, you should consider reaching out to Timothy Jones by visiting his website or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

#Healthcare providers that aren’t generating enough business should reach out to Timothy Jones.
We’re also doing the things that we’re selling, such as social media, blogging and paid ads. We practice what we preach. #Healthcare @tsjworx
We help our clients to build their websites into their best salespeople thus also positioning them as industry thought leaders. #Healthcare @tsjworx
We have a lot of behind-the-doors training. There is always researching and digging. We have a few stat books in some industries that we’ve done deep dives of. #Healthcare @tsjworx
When our companies, our clients, and our partners invest and they see what we found to be a minimum of about 265% return and even pwards of 750%, it’s not a common thing. But it does happen. #Healthcare @tsjworx

To view the video interview click here.

#509: Kelvin McCree and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Maximize the full potential of your workforce with mental agility and handling change. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kelvin McCree (, Mental Agility Developer, Agile Workforce Strategist, Change Management Speaker, and Chief Learning Officer of Laser Focus Leadership Solutions, LLC.

Kelvin is passionate about helping companies, most especially HR leaders, to develop mental agility and handle change as they have a direct impact on the culture of a workplace. As a corporate change expert, he possesses multifaceted expertise in shifting the internal dialogue of corporations across the business spectrum. His toolbox of business innovations extends the full gamut of business culture and operations within government, non-profit, and for-profit sectors.

If you’re an HR leader and you’re sitting there, and you have an organization that is just not agile, you have an organization that’s not flexible enough to be able to change, you might want to reach out to Kevin McCree by visiting his website at or going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

HR leaders who have a workforce that can’t adapt to change should reach out to Kelvin McCree.
Organizations, according to Gallup, are running on about 32% to 33% productivity because their staff are unable or not trained on how to either deal with change or manage disruption.
What we do is we come in and help customize programming that allows organizations to not only navigate disruption, but develop an agile workforce, or do what we call move from “have to” to “want to.”
Every organization must have the ability to alter its direction or adjust to operate successfully. Make this possible with an agile workforce that can adapt to the changing needs of customers, employees, and the marketplace!
Based upon our experience over the last five years, we have discovered that one of the single most pressing barriers to bringing up productivity is the ability to navigate change.

To view the video interview click here.

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The post #506-509: Olszewski, Jack, Jones, McCree w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.