This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Timothy Sullivan, Robert Rose, Tim Ringgold, and Allan Fine.
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#398: Timothy Sullivan and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Generate skyrocketing profit by implementing technology and enhancing sales methodologies This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Timothy Sullivan, a sales performance expert and author.

Timothy is a successful sales professional and business development executive. As a well-respected thought leader in the sales performance industry, he has become the standard of excellence for diagnosing, describing and prescribing a solution to a set of problems that customers have. His passion is to create effective behavior change for sales teams and to produce improved results.

If you’ve got a sales organization of 25 or more that isn’t performing on the level that you want and need it to, you should consider reaching out to Timothy Sullivan at

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Sales organizations of 25 or more salespeople that are just not selling as much as they need or want to should reach out to Timothy Sullivan.
We like to work with large organizations that are often struggling to have enough opportunities. We try to get at the root cause for why they’re having a productivity problem.
The world keeps changing. There are many companies that may be doing well today but may disappear tomorrow. Organizations must keep up to speed with the rules of change. Is your institution ready?
A lot continues to change because of technologies. The way we interact today is very different. As a result, effective sales behaviors have changed a lot, too.
One of the things we do while working with our hundreds of customers is to research and identify trends. We help them to stay at least in step, if not ahead, through training and consulting.

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#399: Robert Rose and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieve improved results with scalable and measurable intelligent content strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Robert Rose (, a content marketing, strategy and customer experience expert. He is the Founder and chief troublemaker of The Content Advisory, an education and consulting group with the Content Marketing Institute.

Robert Rose is passionate about helping marketers to tell their stories more effectively. Over the last couple of years, he has worked with more than 500 companies and those included 15 of the Fortune 100. He has provided marketing advice and counsel for global brands like Facebook, Capital One, Dell, Ernst & Young, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Roche Pharmaceuticals, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and UPS.

If you’re a CMO or a CEO and you want your company to do something different in content marketing and implementation, you should consider reaching out to Robert Rose by going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Enterprise marketers who struggle with the idea of scaling and measuring content as a functional strategy should reach out to Robert Rose.
We produce more content than we do anything else. Every business does that. It is everybody’s job but no one’s strategy. How do you measure your content’s effectiveness?
The challenge with content marketing is that it doesn’t have measurability and scalability. What we do is help organizations deal with that problem by strategically approaching content in much the same way they would with accounting.
The evolution of paid media and customer experience integration put marketers at the crossroads of business strategy. Companies should create a powerful content-driven customer experience in order to keep up. Have you revisited your content marketing?
Content is an on-demand vending machine for most businesses. Marketers push out blog and social posts of all sizes and shapes. We cover content with well-approached methodologies because that is what content is really about.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#400: Tim Ringgold and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Reset and get back into the rhythm of your life and your work with music and relaxation. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Tim Ringgold (, a board certified music therapist, columnist, international speaker, owner of Sonic Divinity Music Therapy Services and author of “Sonic Recovery: Harness the Power of Music to Stay S.O.B.E.R.”

Tim spent 11 years in hospitals and treatment centers helping people to reduce pain and relieve stress while giving talks locally and internationally which included his first TEDx talk on music therapy. He has provided “relaxation vacation” with his music therapy for thousands of teens and adults in residential treatment and he has explained to them why and how music helps us to escape stress and stay focused and creative.

If you’re a working professional or any individual with success stress, consider reaching out to Tim Ringgold by visiting his website and

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Working professionals who have success stress should reach out to Tim Ringgold.
Do you sometimes feel guilty when you’re doing well and you don’t have anyone to talk to about the stress you’re under? I can help ease your feelings by tapping into music that makes sense and that is backed by science. #CombatSuccessStress @timringgold
My role is to teach you how to use music to relieve stress quickly. Music is not only good for your soul, spirit or mood. It is good for your brain and body. #CombatSuccessStress @timringgold
Are you feeling overwhelmed at work, in your business or even at home? I can guide you on how to get back into the present moment to feel safe, connected and confident. #CombatSuccessStress
I can coach you about how to call upon your best mental resources to immediately solve whatever the problems are that you are facing. #CombatSuccessStress @timringgold

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit


#401: Allan Fine and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Grow your business and its revenue by expanding your network and connections as a LinkedIn expert. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert, Allan Fine (, also known as the “LinkedIn Wizard.” He’s been a LinkedIn trainer since 2009 and he launched his own company and website that helps to bring hot leads regularly to his B2B clients. He assists individuals and companies in generating targeted and unlimited leads from LinkedIn.

Allan is a lead generation expert in empowering every business owner to understand and take advantage of what internet marketing and social media has to offer. His specialties are in search engine optimization, lead conversion management, marketing programs, database development, web analytics, Google AdWords and mobile marketing solutions among others.

If you’re not fully taking advantage of LinkedIn as a tool just yet to actually have more leads coming in the door, consider reaching out to Allan Fine by visiting his website and going to

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Companies and individuals who need to generate a lot more leads and do that with LinkedIn should reach out to Allan Fine.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest B2B database. My role is to guide you on how to use that platform for lead generation and for marketing your business. #LinkedInLevelUp @allanfine
The system I developed can aid you in sourcing potential clients and can allow you to do what you do best by presenting your solution and closing by using ongoing meetings with your target market. #LinkedInLevelUp @allanfine
Many startups and established businesses don’t use LinkedIn properly or they don’t use it at all. I can teach you how to correct that as you take advantages of opportunities for people to get to know you through that platform. @allanfine
My role is to do the prospecting for you with a proven system I have created which is like a lead generation machine. I can make the process easy for you to get positive results. #LinkedInLevelUp

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #398-401: Sullivan, Rose, Ringgold, Fine w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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