This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Jo Dodds, Dr. Patti Phillips and Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery.
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The post #341, 342, 343: Jo Dodds, Dr. Patti Phillips, Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#341: Jo Dodds and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Empower people to be successful and to live more. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jo Dodds (, creator of POWER to Live More CALM and host of “POWER to Live More” podcast. She is also an employee engagement consultant and speaker.

Jo conducts consulting and speaking services for home-based coaches and consultants. She works with her clients to improve their productivity, organization, well-being, energy, and resilience, enabling them to be successful and live more. She is passionate about empowering people to do more of what they want to do and less of what they feel like they should do.

If you’re putting 80-hour weeks and want to be more #Successful, while spending more time on your life versus working in your business, consider reaching out to Jo Dodds by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Home-based coaches and consultants who want to be #Successful and live more should look at the work being done by Jo Dodds. @JoDodds
Do you want to be #Successful and live more? Do you know how it’s done? You should know how and what you should do so you can be successful and live more. @JoDodds
To be #Successful and live more, you should do more of what you want to do and less of the stuff you don’t. How often do you get to do the things you want to do instead of the things you don’t? @JoDodds
Home-based coaches and consultants who feel isolated, frustrated, and procrastinating and aren’t as successful as they want to be don’t feel like they’re getting to live more. @JoDodds
I give home-based coaches and consultants the help they need for them to move forward and stop being stuck via my online membership site. It gives me an easy way to work with them closely. @JoDodds

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#342: Dr. Patti Phillips and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Justify your spending to get more funding through a comprehensive ROI methodology. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Patti Phillips (, CEO of ROI Institute. She is also a researcher, educator, consultant, and author.

Patti conducts business consulting for managers and executives about ROI. She helps her clients justify their spending to help them get more funding and demonstrate the value of what they do. Patti provides consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and facilitates workshops for major conferences throughout the world.

If you’re a company that has been funded and you want to justify that so you can #GetMoreFunding, consider reaching out to the ROI Institute or Dr. Patti Phillips by visiting their website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Managers and executives who want to justify their efforts to #GetMoreFunding should look at the work being done by Dr. Patti Phillips. @PPPhillips
We work with organizations and senior executives’ mid-level managers who have invested in programs and projects and want to either make the business case for further investment or demonstrate the value of what they have done. #GetMoreFunding @PPPhillips
In the end, it’s all about process improvement. By gathering the data and looking at what’s going on with the program or project, we help them improve their situation. #GetMoreFunding @PPPhillips
We help managers and executives gather and look at the data and improve their situation, but the bottom line is that they’re trying to justify their spend. #GetMoreFunding @PPPhillips
Companies invest in major leadership programs or spend half a million dollars on coaching initiatives. We come in and help them demonstrate the value of that investment in coaching. #GetMoreFunding @PPPhillips

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#343: Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Manifest your greatness and live out your purpose as a spiritual being while embracing your humanity. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dr. Terrylyn Curry Avery (, spiritual leader, author, speaker, and founder and owner of Sacred Intelligence, LLC. She is also the creator of a cutting-edge field called “Pastology,” which focuses on the synergy between pastoring and psychology, as she is both an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a licensed psychologist.

Dr. Avery is passionate about helping and working with women with her unique approach to therapy and healing. She travels the world speaking and facilitating workshops to invite and inspire individuals — business and ordinary people alike — to discover and live out their purpose by self-healing and promoting positive relationships on their journey toward sacred intelligence.

If you’re a transformational leader wondering if you’re doing the right thing, consider reaching out to Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery through her website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Transformational leaders who are at a crossroads and might be at risk of losing their faith should reach out to Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery.
Are you second-guessing what you know that you are called to do because it seems like it isn’t working for you? I can guide you in this process of #SacredIntelligence to discover and understand what you want in life and career. @DrTLCAvery
I can take a good assessment of where you are in terms of your own spiritual connection to help you discern what your values are and what you believe your calling is. #SacredIntelligence
I believe that relating on both a spiritual and human level is crucial to helping your life flow in a positive direction. Are you ready to go on a journey of #SacredIntelligence to enlighten you and live out your full potential? @DrTLCAvery
Your ability to tap into your internal source propels you to success. My role is to make sure that you are consistent with who you say you are and what you actually do. #SacredIntelligence @DrTLCAvery

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #341, 342, 343: Jo Dodds, Dr. Patti Phillips, Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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