This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Randy Kirk, Barry Moltz and Anuschka Ollnow
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The post #326, 327, 328: Randy Kirk, Barry Moltz, Anuschka Ollnow w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

#326: Randy Kirk and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Deal with marketing challenges in your organization. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Randy Kirk (, president of SoCal MasterMinds. He is also a marketing consultant and author.

Randy conducts marketing consulting services for small businesses. He provides them with a full range of tools, strategies, and services to help them deal with the marketing challenges in their organization to increase their sales and profits. Randy is passionate about helping business owners and executives succeed in business.

If you don’t like to even spell the word #Marketing and are looking for somebody who can help you or just do it for you, consider reaching out to Randy Kirk by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that have under 10 employees and hate the word #Marketing should look at the work being done by Randy Kirk. @SoCalMasterMind
I do one-on-one consulting for companies to help them with every aspect of their #Marketing, from traditional marketing to the new marketing strategies and tools that everybody is using today. @SoCalMasterMind
I help companies with every aspect of their #Marketing, including execution, content creation, and the development of the approach and direction that they should take. @SoCalMasterMind
We found that in a mastermind setting, people will focus more clearly on the changes that need to be made and make them more readily. #Marketing @SoCalMasterMind
Because of #GroupAccountability, usually within 30 days, people make significant changes. #Marketing @SoCalMasterMind

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#327: Barry Moltz and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Unlock the long-forgotten potential of your business through successful sales and marketing strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Barry Moltz (, author, radio talk show host, and motivational speaker. He primarily helps small business owners get unstuck through his decades of entrepreneurial experience obtained from his own business ventures, including consulting for various other entrepreneurs.

Barry is a member of the Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame; has appeared on many TV and radio programs, such as CNBC’s “The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch” and NPR’s “The Tavis Smiley Show”; and has taught entrepreneurship as an adjunct professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He applies simple and strategic steps to facilitate change as a small business expert, passionate about helping business owners grow and be more profitable.

If you’re a small business owner who’s not entirely sure where to go next or what to do, consider reaching out to Barry Moltz by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small business owners who want to get unstuck because their business isn’t where they thought it would be should reach out to Barry Moltz. #GetUnstuck
Have you ever wondered why your business isn’t going anywhere, despite employing various techniques in sales and marketing? You might be missing one important thing: levering the talents of your team. Learn how! #GetUnstuck @barrymoltz
Is your business exactly where it should be? How well do you know your sales and marketing? Many owners tend to only start when they have no sales. If your goal is to make it big, I can help you #GetUnstuck with my expertise.
Do you want to survive and thrive in a competitive market? I can provide you with out-of-the-box and proven strategies to succeed that will make a huge impact in your business. #GetUnstuck @barrymoltz
It’s important for people to get to know you not only as the business owner but also as a person whom they can connect with and relate to. #GetUnstuck @barrymoltz

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#328: Anuschka Ollnow and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Grow your business through an optimized, solid, yet flexible structure. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Anuschka Ollnow, the founder of Contoured Consulting.

Anuschka provides sustainable and scalable business management services for more freedom, income, and impact to service-based online businesses.

If you’re an entrepreneur who thinks that you’ve made a wrong step or realizes that you can’t do everything on your own to grow your business, reach out to Anuschka Ollnow at

Here are a few AHA messages from this episode:

Entrepreneurs who want to grow their business but are so strapped for time to grow and build their team should reach out to Anuschka Ollnow at #OptimizedBusinessStructure
Entrepreneurs are sometimes in a situation where they are too little, too late in organizing and structuring their business. They need an #OptimizedBusinessStructure so they can grow.
There are entrepreneurs who reach a certain level of success because they’re doing the right thing. But then, they hit the wall, realizing that they can’t do it all by themselves. #OptimizedBusinessStructure
Sometimes, I find entrepreneurs in a situation where it’s too much, too soon for them. They have already hired people the wrong way, and they need an #OptimizedBusinessStructure to continue their growth.
A business is like a pyramid put on its head. When only on one side, it will topple at some point. As the owner, you are at the pinnacle, and you need an #OptimizedBusinessStructure to balance the pyramid.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel:

The post #326, 327, 328: Randy Kirk, Barry Moltz, Anuschka Ollnow w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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