When thinking about payroll generally most people would assume that it is something that works well. You work, you get paid. However, payroll is being disrupted like never before.

According to software company Intuit, one in four workers say they have had paycheque errors. And cloud company Kronos found almost half of workers who have had two or more paycheque errors will look for a new job.

Society is changing fast (even more so after COVID). In this podcast we’ll explore how those changes are impacting the way people work, get paid, pay taxes and how new fintech solutions are developing to make this possible.


Ian Hogg – Chairman of The Work Tech Group that owns fastPAYE

Hayley Strachan - Director - Global Employer Services at Deloitte

Richard Tooth - Tax & Legal consultant at Deloitte LLP

Eira Hammond - Executive Director Global Payroll at Hi55 Ventures