We both cross into uncharted territory in our individual read-throughs. There's discussion of "flooding," the titular DFW's use of certain language, and (of course) drugs. We also read out some choice quotes and leave you with a useful tip on how to best pretend you've slogged through this book. Oh—and a certain song helps us get through some page flipping...

We both cross into uncharted territory in our individual read-throughs. There's discussion of "flooding," the titular DFW's use of certain language, and (of course) drugs. We also read out some choice quotes and leave you with a useful tip on how to best pretend you've slogged through this book. Oh—and a certain song helps us get through some page flipping...

Musical break: "Whistling in the Dark" by They Might Be Giants

Outro: "The Ghost At #1" by Jellyfish