A conversation between guest editor of this issue, Elaine Forde from The Playhouse in Derry, and three of the contributors - Damian Gorman, Felicity McCall and John Johnston. This issue of Fingerpost examines Arts & Community Relations. 

The full list of contributions for this issue are: 

Editorial - Elaine Forde 'When working with people on their stories of hurt..' - Damian Gorman'"Nobody’s Home" – Communalising Conflict (and Resolution)' - Ailin Conant'A Better Future' - Lotte Wandel'Poets and Peacemakers: The Art of Language in Conflict' - Georgia O’Kane'First Response Revisited' - Felicity McCall'Issues Based Arts Education (IBAE) & the Pedagogical Turn From Object to Subject' - John Johnston'To Draw a Firm Line' - Sara Greavu

All articles can be accessed at https://www.fingerpost.ie/

Disclaimer - This project has received support from the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council which aims to promote a pluralist society characterised by equity, respect for diversity, and recognition of interdependence. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Community Relations Council or Holywell Trust.