Fingerpost, the community magazine for the north west of Ireland is being resurrected by Holywell Trust.

The first issue of the magazine is now available at Featured in this issue, which examines the issue of leadership, are: 

Paul Gosling - Leadership in Northern Ireland Eamonn Deane - On Leadership Fiona Corvan - Future Leaders Georgia O'Kane - Political Leadership: An OxymoronFergal Barr - Where are the leaders? Where is the hope? Paul Laughlin - Poems on Leadership Sue Divin - On Trust Gemma Harkin - The Garden Arc 

This first episode of the Fingerpost podcast features conversations with Paul Gosling, Georgia Okane and Fiona Corvan on their articles featured on the site and Maeve O'Brien reads Paul Laughlin's poems.

The episode was recorded as a webinar on Friday 11th December 2020.

Future episodes of the magazine will examine the topics: shared society; art and community relations; women's issue; youth issue and; rights focused issue. Podcasts will be released on each issue.

The Fingerpost project is produced by Holywell Trust and is supported by the Community Relations Council for Northern Ireland.

Disclaimer - This project has received support from the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council which aims to promote a pluralist society characterised by equity, respect for diversity, and recognition of interdependence. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Community Relations Council or Holywell Trust.