Today’s episode marks the end of our Artisan series – at least for now.  We’ve talked about craftsmanship, creativity, and community on these last 20+ episodes.  This episode brings us back around to why it’s so important to be an Artisan.  Because that’s how you are created – to create.  And because the world is […]

The post Episode #114: The Artisan Life – We’ve Only Just Begun first appeared on Kathleen Ann Thompson.

Today’s episode marks the end of our Artisan series – at least for now.  We’ve talked about craftsmanship, creativity, and community on these last 20+ episodes.  This episode brings us back around to why it’s so important to be an Artisan.  Because that’s how you are created – to create.  And because the world is undergoing a seismic shift right now; triggered by technology.  Listen to the episode and then join the conversation in the comments.

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On This Episode

Rhythm of Life – You’re Not Ready

Random Riffs –  I Wish

Feature Segment – We’ve Only Just Begun

Today’s Quote

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. –George Bernard Shaw

Rhythm of Life – You’re Not Ready

“You’re not ready.”  That’s what I heard from my voice teacher as I talked about a plan to record my songs.  Not that the songs weren’t ready.  That my voice isn’t.

In the past, I might have felt defensive.  Tried to protect myself.  Or discouraged.

This time? I felt validated and hopeful.  Validated because I was an accurate judge of where my voice is at.  Hopeful because it’s not the end of the story.

Maybe you’re in middle of something that you’d like to move faster than it is.  Or just got told you’re not ready.  If so, why not go back to the reason why you’re doing whatever it is?  If the struggle is worth it, then keep going.  Even though you’re not ready – yet.

Random Riffs – I Wish

You know how parents of babies say something like “I wish Suzy could talk so she could tell us what’s bothering her?”  And then Suzy turns 2 or 3 and won’t stop talking, and they wish for quiet?

It’s kind of like that with spring in New England.  We can’t wait for it to come, and then complain about the bugs.  The grass.  The endless clean-up from winter damage.

For me, spring is worth any hassle that comes along for the ride.  Other things are that way too.  We get to enjoy their beauty, even with a little discomfort along the way.

Feature Segment – The Artisan Life: We’ve Only Just Begun

“Will this be on the test?”  How many teachers cringe when they hear that question.  After working to help their students learn to love learning, and that’s what they hear?

The workplace equivalent is “What gets measured gets done.”  Different teams’ goals can get in the way of them working together effectively because they are measured differently.

In the last 20+ episodes, we’ve talked about an approach that’s quite different from “What gets measured gets done.”  We’ve explored what it means to be an Artisan.  One who cares so much about what they do that they’re willing to do the work it takes to get great at it.  Not because it’s on the test.  Not because it’s measured.  Because it matters.

On Seth Godin’s Akimbo Podcast of May 8, 2019, he talked about golden age of TV.  When television dominated and there were only 3 stations.  A mass market had been created by radio, and further consolidated with television.

And suddenly the beginning of the end of that mass market came.  Ushered in by digital broadcasting.  And accelerated with the internet.  Now there’s unlimited choice.  No more standardized test.  Almost every industry is experiencing upheaval with these unlimited options.  The mass market has split wide open.  The changes are reverberating throughout the world.

Yet it isn’t suddenly different.  Three trends happening during this time of transition.

Consolidation among giants – trying to recreate the mass market.
Tech start-ups – trying to capitalize on the upheaval.
Artisans – those who see the value in the niche.

You who are living an Artisan life are dedicated to your own noble cause.  To helping change the culture for the better.

If you’re an Artisan in the same industry as one of those mega-companies, you can’t take them on by playing the same game.

If you’re an Artisan inside one of these companies, duck your head.  Because the same attributes that make your organization appreciate you also make them scared. See what they don’t want to see.  You can thrive there, but it takes intention.

Whatever you do with all you’ve heard, please remember this – you are created to create.  Let that keep you playing big.  Not hide the light of your creativity.

Because this truth is just as fundamental as the truths in the Declaration of Independence.  And just as the ideal that all people are created equal has yet to be fully realized, the truth that you are created to create hasn’t either.  It’s something that will take your whole life to fully embrace and live out.  And that’s okay.  Because you’re worth it.  The cause is too.

I’d love to hear from you.  What does artisanship look like in your life now?  What are you doing to explore and develop artisanship? How much do you believe that you’re created to create? What do you dream of creating – even if it feels scary?  What questions do you have that you’d like answered?

Please leave a comment or email me at [email protected].

You were created to create.
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Artisan Series

090: Why You Should Be an Artisan at Work

091: The Three C's of Artisanship

092: Are You a Creator, Consumer, or Critic?

093: Where to Start as an Artisan? With a MAP.

094: What's Your Signature Scent?

095: The Foundations of Craftsmanship

096: Follow Your Curiosity to Build Craftsmanship

097: Craftsmanship Requires Change

098: Building Craftsmanship – When it Gets Hard

099: Building Craftsmanship – Take Care of Your Tools

101: Building Craftsmanship – Be an Apprentice

102: Building Craftsmanship – Practice

103: 4 Habits That Foster Creativity

104: Time for Wonder

105: Forget the Big Bang Theory

106: Constraints Ignite Creativity

107: Seal Creativity With a KIS

108: Creativity: One Ring to Rule Them All

109: Creativity: What's Old is New Again

110: Creativity: Create Your Own Seal

111: Community: The Beauty of Collaboration

112: Community in an Artisan Collective

113: Serving the Greater Community


The post Episode #114: The Artisan Life – We’ve Only Just Begun first appeared on Kathleen Ann Thompson.