Join Ryan Treasure as he talks tech with Eriks Flora. We talk about agile development, business development, and all things tech. Erika Flora, Co-Founder, and CEO of Beyond20, the leading global I.T., and Business Strategy agency based in Washington D.C., Southern California, and Phoenix, Arizona.

• Flexibility is key: Leveraging cloud-based resources offering highly elastic capacity (or capacity on demand) ensures we can respond quickly to changing demand patterns.
• Decide which risks you are willing to own: Perform a value stream mapping exercise for your core businesses.
To Combat Uncertainty:
• Connect with your customers: Have regular conversations with your customers around how change is impacting them.
To Combat Complexity:
• Simplify processes and technology: Now is the time to purge all the files and programs you are not using—audit all the programs and apps you use. Get rid of unnecessary hand-offs, steps, approvals, and duplicate or unused technology t