On this episode we speak with Kevin Miller. Kevin is an U.S. Air Force veteran, accidentally discovered in an old yellowed newspaper clipping that his real last name isn’t the All-American Miller, but the very Polish Puchalski. Kevin’s continued research helped unearth that his grandfather Stanley Puchalski was a man with many secrets, including a grisly murder, and they were all buried with him.

This sent Kevin on a dogged search back through time for clues. With help from Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, decades-old newspaper clippings, what he discovered shook him to his core. Kevin's grandfather was involved in a murder-mystery, an indescribable tragedy, a major Midwestern scandal and a daring escape, pushing him beyond impossible odds towards healing, redemption and finally true love and real forgiveness. He chronicles that story in his new book “HEART OF STEEL”.
